The Views Area
This section describes the types of views supported by the Cube Viewer.
Data Grid
The Data Grid displays the cube view data set in the form of a pivot table. The fields that appear as rows and columns in the table are defined in the Dimensions section of the Settings area. The default aggregation function used for the values is sum. Additional functions can be defined in the details of the cube view. Refer to the description of the Details pop-up window in theToolbar area for more information.
Raw Data
The Raw Data view displays the cube view data set as a flat table.
Line Chart
The Line Chart displays cube view data in a chart with a time sequence as the X-axis and value intervals as the Y-axis. Each line corresponds to a specific combination of the selected dimensions. This view is only visible if the cube view includes at least one date/time filter in the selection criteria. If the criteria include more than one date/time field, the first date/time filter in order is chosen for the time sequence.
Bar Chart
The Bar Chart also displays cube view data in a chart with a time sequence and value intervals. Each bar corresponds to a specific combination of the selected dimensions. This view is only visible if the cube view includes at least one date/time filter in the selection criteria. If the criteria include more than one date/time field, the first date/time filter in order is chosen for the time sequence.