Dashboard Portal
The dashboard is a special portal that always appears on the desktop. Its zones contain tools and data that are useful regardless of the object being displayed.
Minimize the dashboard. You can minimize the dashboard by clicking on the vertical bar between the dashboard and the object display area. This causes the dashboard portal to disappear and displays a single vertical dashboard bar, allowing more of the page area to display. It also suppresses the refresh of the zones within the dashboard based on updates to the context. Clicking the dashboard bar restores the display of the dashboard portal. Maximizing the dashboard then refreshes the zones with the latest appropriate content.
Minimize the dashboard when launching the system. If desired, a URL parameter may be used to minimize the dashboard when launching the system, using the parameter minDashboard=true. Refer to Creating Application Links in External Applications for more information and examples.
Adjusting the dashboard width. You can adjust the width of the dashboard by moving the slider that separates the dashboard from the object display area. This also updates your user preferences with the new width.
Keyboard Shortcut
The contents of this section describe the zones that are provided by the framework product for this portal. Please note the following additional information about the dashboard portal that may impact how it appears.
Additional zones may be available in other products. The zones described below are available in every base product. Please refer to the product-specific documentation for additional dashboard zones available in your product (open the help and navigate to the index entry labeled Dashboard).
Context Sensitive Zones may appear. Some pages may define additional zones that should appear in the dashboard only if that page is displayed. These are referred to as Context Sensitive Zones.
Dashboard zones are configurable. The dashboard portal is configured to allow a user to define preferences for it. Refer to Portal Preferences for more information.
Note:Security. As a general rule, dashboard zones each refer to a unique application service so that a security administrator may configure which users are allowed to have access to which zones. Note that the user portal preferences indicates which zones a user has security access to.