A User's Current To Do
When you are actively working on a specific To Do entry, there are tools to make this To Do the one that is displayed in the Current To Do dashboard zone. The act of making a To Do entry your current To Do, also navigates you to the related object (or if the To Do type is configured to launch a script, the script is launched.
If your organization's practice is to assign work to users up front, then a typical approach is that you would start by reviewing a list of entries assigned to you using one of the base pages and drill down on an entry in the list to start working on it. In some pages, there is a way for you to enable a list of To Do Entries that you can work through without needing to return to the query page to get the next entry.
The following points highlight the available base pages and their supported functionality.:
To Do Management allows you to use filters to view a list of entries assigned to you or open. (If you plan to work on a To Do entry that is open, you should first assign it to yourself. No action automatically assigns it.) Click the Work List icon in the Action column to populate the Work List zone in the dashboard with the results of the search. Click the Work button to choose the To Do entry you wish to start with. This drills you into the related object and populates the Current To Do zone with this To Do. Use the entries in the Work List zone to subsequently work on other To Do entries.
To Do List allows you to start working on a To Do by clicking the entry's message description link. If the To Do entry is Open, this action will assign it to you automatically. Any other To Do entries that were in that results list on that page become an internal work list and the Previous button and Next button are enabled in the Current To Do zone to work through that list.
To Do Search allows you to start working on a To Do by clicking the entry's message description link. (If you plan to work on a To Do entry that is open, you should first assign it to yourself. No action automatically assigns it.) Any other To Do entries that were in that results list on that page become an internal work list and the Previous button and Next button are enabled in the Current To Do zone to work through that list.
Before working on a new To Do, if the problem is resolved, use the actions in the Current To Do zone to mark the entry Complete.
Additionally, users may have the option to click on the Assign me a To Do button on the Current To Do dashboard zone to request their next task. The returned To Do entry automatically becomes the user's Current To Do. This does not enable any work list functionality.