Audit Query by Table / Field / Key

This transaction is used to view audited changes made to a given table.

CAUTION: The system only audits changes that you've told it to audit. Refer to The Big Picture Of Audit Trails for more information.

This transaction can be used in several different ways:

  • You can view all audited changes to a table. To do this, enter the Audited Table Name and leave the other input fields blank.
  • You can view all audited changes to a given row in a table (e.g., all changes made to a given user). To do this, enter the Audited Table Name and row's prime key (the row's prime key is entered in the field(s) beneath Audited Field Name).
  • You can view all audited changes to a given field in a table (e.g., all changes made to all customers' rates). To do this, enter the Audited Table Name and the Audited Field Name.
  • You can view all audited changes to a given field on a specific row. To do this, enter the Audited Table Name, the Audited Field Name, and row's prime key (the row's prime key is entered in the field(s) beneath Audited Field Name).

Navigate to this page by selecting Admin > Database > Audit Query By Table/Field/Key.

Description of Page

To use this transaction:

  • Enter the name of the table whose changes you wish to view in Audited Table Name.
  • If you wish to restrict the audit trail to changes made to a specific field, enter the Audited Field Name.
  • If you wish to restrict the audit trail to changes made to a given row, enter the row's prime key (the row's prime key is entered in the field(s) beneath Audited Field Name). These fields are dynamic based on the Audited Table Name.
  • Specify a date and time range in Created between to restrict the records that result from the query.
Note: The current date is defaulted.
  • Click the search button to display all changes made to this data.

Information on this query is initially displayed in reverse chronological order by field.

The following information is displayed in the grid:

  • Create Date/Time is the date / time that the change was made.
  • User Name is the name of the person who changed the information.
  • Primary Key is the prime key of the row in the Audited Table whose contents where changed.
  • Audited Field Name is the name of the field that was changed.
  • Audit Action indicates whether the row action was Add, Change or Delete.
  • Value Before Update contains the content of the field before the change. This column is blank if information was Added.
  • Value After Update contains the content of the field after the change. This column is blank if information was Deleted.