Understanding Business Flags

The following is an example of a use case for business flags. Imagine that DataRaker highlights potential theft of service at a certain location. That product may initiate a business flag alert to various products owned by the implementation with a recognized "standard name" for the business flag, such as "TAMPER".

  • If Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management receives this business flag, it may initiate a service investigation monitor.

  • If Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management receives this business flag, it may initiate a service investigation activity.

  • If Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing receives this business flag, it may initiate a hold on billing for that location.

Note that the framework product supplies basic functionality to support logic that is common to all edge applications that implement business flag functionality. However it is the individual edge applications that supply more specific functionality (business objects and algorithms) for specific use cases, if applicable.

The following sections highlight functionality supported for business flags in the framework. Refer to the edge application product documentation for more details for supported use cases.