Performance Target Categories and Types

There are key configuration details required by all performance targets. These are defined on two related objects.

Performance Target Categories

Target categories define the template zone and security setting for a group of performance measures. The list of valid categories is maintained using an extendable lookup.

The framework product supplies the business object Performance Target Category (F1-PerformanceTargetCategory) for this functionality. Refer to the business object description and configuration for more information.

Performance Target Types

Target types define the related performance target business object and the display portal for a group of performance measures. In addition, a target type references a target category which defines the associated zone details.

The framework product supplies the business object Performance Target Type (F1-PerformanceTargetType) for this functionality. Refer to the business object description and configuration for more information.

The framework does not deliver any standard type or category values for batch processing performance targets. Refer to your specific edge application products to verify if any standard values are delivered for the batch processes within your applications. Edge applications may also supply standard categories and types for additional performance target use cases.