Export to Excel

Click the Export to Excel link in the Explorer Zone menu to download the zone's data to Excel. This link is hidden if the zone has been configured to not download rows to Excel.

Please note the following with respect to this feature:
  • Clicking export performs the search because it is possible to configure a number of records for excel that differs from the number of records configured to display.

  • Because the search is performed, you can request an export to Excel even without first searching on the zone. The filters populated (or not populated) at time of exporting are the ones used for the export. If the user did not search at all or did a search and then changed the filters and exported before searching again, the results in the export may not match what is visible on the zone.

  • It is possible through zone configuration to mark columns that are visible to the user interface as suppressed in the export. Conversely, it's also possibly to mark columns as suppressed on the user interface but included in Excel. As such, the columns visible in the export may not always match what is visible in the user interface. This applies when for zones that support configurable columns. Columns removed from view through this technique are still included in the export if not marked to suppress.

  • If the column results include any HTML, the HTML is stripped out before exporting to Excel.