Importing Enrollments

This topic provides additional details related to importing legacy program enrollments from a demand response management system (DRMS) into Digital Asset Management / Digital Asset Cloud Service. Program enrollments are defined by program subscriptions in Digital Asset Management / Digital Asset Cloud Service.

Enrollment Import File Format

Legacy enrollment import files use the following tab-separated values format:

Field Name



Legacy Enrollment Id


The id for the enrollment in the DRMS application.

CIS Metered Service


The id for the metered service point associated with the enrollment in the CIS application.

Program Subscription Type


The program subscription type. This must be a valid program subscription type defined in Digital Asset Management / Digital Asset Cloud Service. See Understanding Program Subscription Types for more information.

Start Date Time


The date and time on which the program subscription record started.

End Date Time


The date and time on which the program subscription record ended or will end (if applicable).

Legacy Device Location Id


The id for the device location in the DRMS application.

Legacy Program External Id


The id for the program in the DRMS application.



The current status of the enrollment/program subscription. Valid values include:



Sample Record

Below is a sample file:

EXTENR2    EXTMS2    ZZ_MZ_TEST    2022-10-24T08:00:00-05:00    2024-10-24T08:00:00-05:00    EXTDVCLOC2    LEGACYPRG1    ACTIVE

Upload Batch Process

Legacy enrollment import files are uploaded using the Legacy Enrollment File Upload (X1-ENUPL) batch process. Use the Batch Control portal to view the parameters used by this batch process. This process should be run as needed for the initial import. 

This process creates inbound sync requests in the "Pending" state (see below).

Inbound Sync Request Business Object

Enrollment inbound sync requests are based on the Enrollment Initial Sync Request (X1-DASyncReqEnrollment) business object.

Inbound sync requests are created in the "Pending" state. The Sync Request Monitor (F1-SYNRQ) batch process is used to transition these to the "Transform/Validate" state where the data is validated and transformed as needed for import and moved into the "Validated" state (or "Validation Error" if an error is encountered). These are processed by an "Initial Sync Request Load" batch process (see below).

Initial Sync Request Load Batch Process

Program subscriptions for legacy enrollments are created from inbound sync requests using the Initial Sync Request - Load Enrollment (X1-SILEN) batch process. Use the Batch Control portal to view the parameters used by this batch process. This process should be run as needed for the initial import.

This process transitions the inbound sync requests to the "Loaded" state.