Batch Resource Groups

Database resource management tools may be used to prioratize resource allocation between various batch processes. For example, export type of processes may have a lower resource allocation priority relative to billing related processes. These tools allocate resources to groups of consumeers, not to an individual batch process. They use rules that are based on certain session variables, to associate a batch process with a resource group.

When applicable, you may use the Batch Resource Configuration (F1-BatchResourceConfig) extendable lookup to associate certain batch processes with one of three priority resource groups: 10 (High), 20 (Medium), 30 (Low).

In a Cloud installation, if a batch control is associated with a resource group the latter is included by default as part of the MODULE database session variable as follows: '<batch control>,R=<resource group>'. This allows DBAs to potentially take advantage of this information for resource prioritization purposes. On premise, this feature needs to be explicitly opted in using the Expose Batch Resource Group option in the General System Configuration feature configuration.

With this configuration enabled, DBAs can set up rules that parse the MODULE variable to identify the resource group for a batch process and apply prioritization rules accordingly. Note that most batch controls may not be associated with a resource groups so default allocation rules should be considered.

Note. This configuration does not include nor enforce the database resource management configuration. It only allows for such tool to be leveraged by DBAs as needed.