
Measurements manage the asset operational and runtime data which is collected and tracked for assets. Asset measurements might include mileage, hours of uptime, number of start-stops, and so on.

Since they almost entirely depend on the usage of the related asset, readings cannot be calculated or predicted accurately by the system. Instead, readings must be collected and entered into the system, either manually by a user or imported as the result of activity completion. Data readings that fall outside of expected limits or thresholds can be set to trigger alerts. The alerts create ToDo entries and can trigger the creation of related work records, as appropriate.

Operational Reading Activities

The taking of measurements can be effectively managed by setting up the appropriate work orders or activities to track and schedule the work. This type of scheduling can be even more stringently managed using maintenance triggers and schedules.

Asset records display any related measurement activities in the Measurements zone.

Operational Reading Quick Entry

While most readings typically come from an external system via an interface, users can also enter read information manually using the Reading Quick Entry tool. This tool can also be used to upload multiple readings from a spreadsheet.

Operational Reading Alert Review

Reading alert review provides users with an easy dashboard to review alerts related to asset measurements. Generally an alert is triggered when an asset reading falls outside of an established threshold. Users can select the appropriate measurement type to see a list of measurements of that type that are in error. This list is sorted by the most recent errors first. The Asset portal displays a similar zone on relevant assets that have had measurements taken. This zone also includes an Add link where users can enter a measurement directly on the Asset record.

Select appropriate assets (usually assets that have readings in error) and click the Make Valid button which automatically moves the status of the reading from an error to a valid state.

Measurement Activity zone

This zone displays a listing of activities related to a measurement. This provides visibility into maintenance planning activities that are triggered by measurement alerts. For example, your system configuration might trigger an alert if an out of range measurement is entered.

This zone also includes an Evaluate button which, when clicked, moves the measurement to the next state where the measurement ranges will be evaluated, such as valid or error.