Creating Program Service Calls Using Process Flow

Service call processing in Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Management can be initiated, monitored, and maintained using the Process Flow portal and functionality. This allows users to step through a series of panels on which they enter information about the customer, their location, and other information. SeeAbout Service Calls for more information.

Service call process flows are initiated from the Current Enrollment zone of the Customer Program Summary portal.

When navigating between panels on the Process Flow portal, the Next and Previous buttons allow you to move to the next or previous panels in the process respectively. To save your progress and settings before moving on to the next panel, click Save. Click Finish on the Summary panel to mark the process flow as Closed. To cancel the process, click Cancel Process. This transitions the service task to the "Canceled" state. See Action Method in the Administrative User Guide for more information the process flow functionality,

The following sections describe the content on the different panels used in service call process flows.


The Customer panel is used to specify data about the customer associated with the service call. This includes the following:

Customer Information: This section displays information about the customer, including:

  • Metered Service: The customer's metered service record

  • Contact: Name and contact information for the customer who initiated the service call

Location Information: This section displays information about the customer's location, including:

  • Metered Service Point: The customer's metered service point

Interaction Details: This section is used to capture details around customer interaction. The information in this section is used to create Customer Communications. See About Contact Communications for more information.

  • Channel: The channel used for the communication, such as email or phone

  • Class: The class of the communication, such as enrollment, unenrollment, trouble report, and so on

  • Category: The category of the communication, such as written or verbal

  • Notes: Notes associated with the communication

Program Service Call

The Program Service Call panel is used to specify details related to the service call. This includes the following:

Service Call Details: This section is used to select the service task type and other information for the service call, including

  • Related Service Call: A related program service call. This is used if the current service call is somehow related to a previous service call. This is used often when selecting either "Escalate" or "Resolved" actions (below).
  • Service Call Type: The service task type to use for the service call.
  • Questionnaire: A questionnaire applicable to the service call. Available questionnaires are defined on the service task type.

Questions: This section displays questions from the selected questionnaire (if applicable). This section is only displayed if a questionnaire is selected in the Service Call Details section.

Action Details: This section is used to specify details regarding the service call, including:

  • Category: The category of the service call. Options include "Emergency" and "Non-Emergency".
  • Action: The action to be taken for the service call. Options include:
    • Create a Work Order: Creates a work order based on a selected Template Work Order. Available template work orders are defined on the service task type.
      • Template Work Order: The template work order for work order activities created for this service call.
      • Crew Shift Type: The crew shift type for the work order.
      • Crew: The crew for the work order.
      • Work Order Activities: A list of work order activity types based on the selected Template Work Order.
      • Appointment Date: The date on which field work based on the work activity type is scheduled to be performed. Select an appointment slot from the list of available appointment slots for the selected Appointment Date. The list of available appointment slots is based on the selected Template Work Order, Crew Shift Type, and Crew.
    • Escalate: Escalates an existing service call. Used with a Related Service Call. This creates a To Do Entry based on the the Escalation To Do Type defined on the service task type. The To Do Entry can be assigned to one of the To Do Roles defined for the Escalation To Do Type from the Assigned to drop-down list.
      • Call Back Required: Indicates (Yes or No) if the customer must be called back.
      • Keep Service Call Open: Indicates (Yes or No) is the service call should be kept open due to the escalation. When set to "Yes", the service task is kept in the "Escalated" state, and can be then selected as a "Related Program Service Call" in a future service call process flow.
      • Assigned to: The To Do Role to which To Do entries related to the escalated service call can be assigned.
    • Resolved: Resolves an existing service call. Used with a Related Program Service Call. Service calls with this action are closed when finished.

Interaction Details: This section is used to capture details around customer interaction. See description above.


The Summary panel displays a summary of information related to the service call, including:

  • Program Service Call: The Service Task used by the process and its current status.

  • Customer Information: Contact and identification for the customer, including the customer's Metered Service record .

  • Location Information: Location information for the service call, including the customer's Metered Service Point.

  • Interaction Details: Details related to customer interaction. See description above.

Click Finish on the Summary panel to initiate the action selected on the Program Service Call panel. Click Cancel Process to cancel the process.