Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management Enhancements
This section describes new and enhanced features in this release of Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management.
The release includes:
Note: The Steps To Enable sections provide guidelines for enabling each feature, where applicable.
User Interface Enhancements
This section describes the new and enhanced user interface features in this release, including:
Dynamic Approval Routing
Approvers can use a To Do Role to add a different approver to the approval request path without disrupting the current approval routing structure, providing the ability to change an approval request that is in progress. Previously, changing the approval path required the withdrawal of the approval request, then the updating of the approval profile (determines the approval path of the approval request), request resubmission, approval process restart, and reapproval of the same request by the approver.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips and Considerations
Only current approvers on the approval request are allowed to add new approvers.
GIS Map Viewer - Asset Menus and Additional Shortcuts
Additional menus and shortcuts related to Assets allow you to filter and edit the current assets list and save asset filters as defaults in the GIS Map Viewer. Additionally, you can view more records with the improved results display on the Asset, Activity, Work Request, and Service Call tabs.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips and Considerations
To configure the auto selection in the Asset filter; open the User portal, add the Enable Auto Load characteristic type for each user, and set each option to Yes.
To configure the shorter information string appearing in the Map Viewer, update to the custom information algorithm and populate the primary text field.
Menu and Menu Item Security
The asset-related application services and access modes used by BPA scripts to determine or grant permissions on objects now applies to menu items. Users without the appropriate permissions will no longer encounter errors or inaction after clicking a menu item.
This provides a better user experience by displaying only the menu items to which the user has access to the underlying BPA action.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Pagination, Sort Order, and Data Export
The following portals support pagination, selectable sort order, and data export to Excel; providing a better search experience to quickly find work- and asset-related information:
Asset Location
Crew Shift Schedule
Work Activity
Work Order
Work Planning
Work Request
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Asset Management Enhancements
This section describes the new and enhanced asset management features in this release, including:
Asset Lifecycle with Planned Initial State
The W1-PIOSvcAssetRoot lifecycle business object enables planners to create assets in regular work orders or construction work orders and assign them the "Planned Initial" status. This gives planners the ability to plan these assets ahead of time for installation and classify them as part of the activity completion. Previously, the application assigned the "In-Service" status to assets that typically did not go through inventory and came to exist as the result of construction work. Additionally, the Parent Business Object and Lifecycle Business Object fields of the Infrastructure Asset (W1-IOSvcInfrastructureAsset) and General Asset (W1-IOSvcGeneralAsset) business objects have been updated to the W1-PIOSvcAssetRoot lifecycle business object.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips and Considerations
If your implementation uses Esri GIS integration, the assets synchronized from Esri are created with the "In-Service" status. To retain this function, the W1PLNASTTRN and W1PLNASTTRNE algorithms were added to the "Additional Processing" status of the Asset Initial Sync Request (W1-InitialSyncRequestAsset) and Asset Ongoing Sync Request (W1-OngoingSyncRequestAsset) business objects. For more information, refer to the detailed descriptions of these algorithms.
This feature provides upgrades scripts for the following:
Updating of the Lifecycle Business Object field of any Customer business objects that are children of the Infrastructure Asset (W1-IOSvcInfrastructureAsset) business object or General Asset (W1-IOSvcGeneralAsset) business object to the W1-PIOSvcAssetRoot lifecycle business object.
Updating of the application services on the Infrastructure Asset (W1-IOSvcInfrastructureAsset) business object and its children (if any) to the appropriate new application service.
Updating of the application service on the General Asset (W1-IOSvcGeneralAsset) business object and its children (if any) to the appropriate new application service.
Updating of user groups' access to existing application services on the mentioned business objects in order to get the same access to the new application services.
Updating of asset types that reference one of the mentioned business object as the Asset business object so that all asset location types valid for the current In-Service status are valid for the new Planned status.
Framework Wrapper-Based Asset Location and Organization Tree Views
The Asset Location, Asset, Organization, and Out of Service Location tree views now allow you to expand the tree view up to 15 levels, but the ability to broadcast Asset Locations to display all the installed assets is no longer available.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
"Question" Label Renamed
The Question label for maintenance and search portals, menu items, and the Question maintenance object has been changed to Service History Question to distinguish it from a similarly named field.
This renaming prevents potential confusion arising from the introduction of a new Question entity related to questions for Customer Service Representatives to ask customers.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Support for Capturing Parent Organization/Location of Asset Locations During GIS Synch
The GIS to WAM extendable lookup allows you to define the default Parent Location or Organization of GIS Asset Locations, preventing the occurrences of orphaned asset locations in Work and Asset during the GIS inbound synchronization process. Previously, the GIS inbound synchronization process could not identify and set the Parent Location or Organization of an asset location, requiring users to manually set the parent location.
This prevents the creation of orphaned records in the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management during the GIS synchronization.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, complete these steps:
1. Click Admin then General and select Extendable Lookup.
2. Open the "GIS to WAM Sync Mapping" extendable lookup.
3. Edit the appropriate GIS Asset Class.
4. Define the Default Parent Location/Organization for the Default Asset Location Type.
Inventory Enhancements
This section describes the new and enhanced inventory features in this release, including:
Order On Demand
Configure the application to automatically reorder high-priced or direct-purchased inventory stock items only when there is a demand. Previously, reorder for these stock items were based on and triggered by the MIN/MAX/Reorder Point configuration.
This prevents a reorder of certain inventory items that are based on the MIN/MAX Reorder Point configuration.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, set the Order On Demand flag to Yes on inventory stock item details to which on-demand reordering is applicable.
Material Request Cancellation After Sending to External System
You can cancel a material request without any items issued using the Material Request portal even if the external system already received the request. This allows any related Work Activity to also be canceled if all other activity cancelation requirements are met. Previously, no action was allowed after a Material Request was sent to the external system.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Purchase to Issue Ratio - Defaults and New Validations
Since Purchase to Issue (PI) Ratio is a required field in the Stock Item and Stock Item Detail, changes have been made to help ensure that an appropriate value appears. On add for a Stock Item, the default value of the PI ratio (if none is indicated) is 1. On add for Stock Items Details, if no Purchase to Issue (PI) Ratio is indicated, the default depends on the Unit of Purchase (UOP) indicated in the Stock Item Detail. If there is a UOP in the Stock Item Detail but it is not the same as the Stock Item's, there is no default value. Since Purchase to Issue (PI) Ratio is a required field, you get an error when you save. If the Stock Item Detail is added through the sync request process, the sync request is unsuccessful and goes to an error state.
Validation were also put in place for Blanket Contract, Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, and Reorder Review, to make sure the Purchase to Issue (PI) Ratio value is not updated with a blank or zero value.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Purchasing Enhancements
This section describes the new and enhanced purchasing-related features in this release, including:
Invoice Amounts Reversal - Discount, Freight, and Extra Cost
You can now reverse discount, freight, and extra cost amounts in the invoice separately from the credit invoice line. Previously, you had to manually prorate and add the individual amounts to the credit invoice line.
This provides a more accurate reversal of invoice amounts and removes the need for manual prorating or calculation.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips and Considerations
Discount is a negative amount in the invoice. To reverse a discount, add a new invoice line with a Discount item type and set the Unit Price to a positive value.
Freight and extra costs are positive amounts in the invoice. To reverse a freight or extra cost, add new freight and extra cost invoice amounts matching the Freight and Extra Cost item type, and set the Unit Price to a negative value.
Invoice Creation Prior to Receipt of Items
The application allows the creation of an invoice prior to the receipt of the items and completes the invoice upon receipt of the items. Previously, purchase orders that required receipts were invoiced after items are received. In some instances, vendors send invoices prior to items being shipped or received.
This enables you to create invoices before or after receiving the items in the purchase order.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Work Management Enhancements
This section describes the new and enhanced work management features in this release, including:
Activity Reconciliation of Overheads - Cost Adjustments Option
You can now apply direct and indirect overhead costs of a construction work activity as either Cost Adjustments or Other Direct Charges. Previously, direct and indirect overhead costs were applied as Other Direct Charges to work activities.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, complete these steps:
1. Open the Work Management master configuration.
2. Go to the Construction Parameters section.
3. Set Direct Overhead to Cost Adjustment Type.
4. Open the Overhead portal.
5. Select the appropriate overhead records.
6. Set Indirect Overhead Cost to Cost Adjustment Type.
Activity Reconciliation Portal - More Information on Removed Assets
The Activity Reconciliation portal displays the removal date/time of fixed assets in the asset table from a construction work activity. Previously, Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management only notified the external system about the retired fixed assets.
Adding information on removed assets provides a complete view of the fixed assets in a construction work activity.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Compatible Unit Portal - Usage Codes
The Compatible Unit portal enables you to define the Usage Codes that are applicable to a compatible unit by listing the Usage Codes on the Compatible Unit definition. If no Usage Code(s) are specified on a Compatible Unit, all Usage Codes are available to that Compatible Unit.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, refer to the Defining Compatible Units section of the Administrative User Guide for more information.
Construction Work Activity Portal - Non-capital Spare Tracked Assets Support
The Construction Work Activity portal allows you to install or remove tracked assets tagged as Capital Spare (capitalized on receipt) or Non-capital Spare. Previously, the portal only allowed you to install or remove Capital Spare tracked assets.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Construction Work Activity - Add Multiple Compatible Units to Multiple Locations
The new Compatible Units Search zone allows you to select multiple compatible units and select multiple Construction Locations in which to add these compatible units. The search zone is accessible through the Compatible Units tab of the Construction Work Activity portal. Previously, you had to add compatible units to one construction location and repeat this action to add the same compatible units to a different construction location.
Note: The Construction Work Activity portal only displays the Compatible Units tab if your application is configured to allow the addition of compatible units to construction locations. The portal does not show the Compatible Units tab for overhead activities or activities in the "Final" state.
Additionally, the portal displays the Construction Location Details zone in the Construction Locations tab. You can still add compatible units to a single Construction Location in this tab. Previously, this zone appeared in the Compatible Units tab.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Enable Timekeeper Access for Crew Leads Creating Crew Timesheets
Timekeepers can quickly create timesheets for employees from a crew that works on the same activity by using the activity's context menu. The context menu lists all the employees in a grid and prepopulate the Activity ID.
This provides timekeepers, especially crew leads, with another quick way to create timesheets for employees working on the same activity.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Enabled Complex Maintenance of Compatible Units On Work Design
The Work Design and Template Construction Work Order/Activity portals enable you to update the Price Type, Responsible Party, Contractor Bid, Usage, and Cost Centre fields of compatible units. Previously, these portals only allowed you to delete or update the quantities of compatible units.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Key Resources
Estimate Activity Duration
You can accurately estimate a duration for each activity in Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management using new Duration fields in the Activity Type, Template Activity, and Work Activity portal. The activity duration defaults to the Activity Type or Template Activity, but you can override the default duration. The application then sends the appropriate information to Oracle Field Service to aid in scheduling activities. Previously, the activity's duration was only defined in Oracle Field Service.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Limit Activity Search Results
Activity search results for populating timesheets, other direct charges, and material requests are limited to activities that are valid to charge against. The valid Activities are controlled by their corresponding setting in the Work Management Master Configuration.
Limiting the Activity search results to only valid activities prevents "invalid activity" errors when you attempt to save changes.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Non-Material Internal Activity Resource Requirement Validation
The validation rules for non-material, internal activity resource requirements ensure that the Expense Code, Unit of Measure, and Unit Price match the Labor, Equipment, and Miscellaneous information in their Resource Type to ensure accurate cost estimation for the activity.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Productized Integration Support for Fixed Assets
New rules and fields in the application provide support for a productized integration of fixed asset information to Oracle Assets. These changes allow you to add, retire, or adjust fixed assets.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, refer to the Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management Integration Guides for more information.
Reconciliation Stock Item Support
The Stock Issues to Reconcile zone lists all the stock items with property units that are checked out against the Construction Work Activity. The zone does not list Compatible Unit estimated with that Stock Item detailed as the Reconciliation Stock Item. This ensure stock items intended to become assets or fixed assets are accounted for and the correct Compatible Units are estimated according to the Property Unit related stock items checked out against the Construction Work Activity. The zone is available in the Compatible Units tab of the Construction Work Activity portal.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Replicate Service History in a Batch
The Work Activity portal enables you to duplicate service histories of an activity with a large number of assets through the Replicate button in the Batch Action column of the Completion tab. By clicking the button, the application replicates the service histories through a batch process, preventing online transactions from timing out.
This provides a quick alternative for replicating service histories for a large number of assets.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Service History and Measurement for Construction Work Activity
Clicking the Broadcast icon of an asset shows all the valid Service History Types and Measurement Types for the asset, and clicking the + icon of a Service History Type or Measurement Type allows you to create the corresponding service history or measurement record.
The + icon next to each Service History Type or Measurement Type on a broadcasted asset provides you with an easy way to add a service history or measurement.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Template Construction Work Order and Work Activity
This feature allows you to set up common construction work as a template construction work order with template construction work activities, which is similar to a regular construction work order and activities but without any location specific information. The template construction work order allows you to create construction work orders by providing just a few more pieces of information like asset location or work location.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, complete these steps:
1. Associate the following application services and applicable access modes to the appropriate user groups:
W1TCWO (Template Construction Work Order Maintenance Portal)
W1TCWOQ (Template Construction Work Order Query Portal)
W1TCWA (Template Construction Work Activity Maintenance Portal)
W1-TMPLCWOBOAS (Template Construction Work Order BO)
W1-TMPLCWABOAS (Template Construction Activity BO)
2. Schedule (for example, daily) a W1-WD monitor batch job to ensure that the template construction work orders and activities reflect the latest changes to the Compatible Units.
Key Resources
Refer to the Template Construction Work Order training.
Work Order - Status Validation
You can only move an activity from one work order to another when the original work order is in the Planning state. The new work order must be in the Planning, Approved, or Active state. If the application determines that the new work order is in the Approved or Active state, it changes the status of the work order to Planning and requires an approval for the change.
This helps prevent users from making mistakes when they move a work order, and it helps ensure proper approvals are required.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Work Order and Template Work Order - Attachments Zone
The Attachments zones of the Work Order and Template Work Order portals enable you to add a new attachment, an existing attachment, or a URL to work orders and template work orders, including construction work orders and template construction work orders. If a work order is created from a template or another work order with attachments, the same attachments are linked to the new work order. If a template work order is created from a work order or another template work order with attachments, the same attachments are linked to the new template work order.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Integration Inbound Web Services
This section describes the new and enhanced inbound web services integration features in this release, including:
Inbound Web Services for Service Request Creation and Maintenance by External System
The following Work and Asset Management inbound web services enable external users (example, call center agents) to handle various customer interactions:
Create Service Call - Reports a new issue or service request and creates a new service call in Work and Asset Management
Create Communication - Follows up an existing service call and creates a new communication, linked to the service call, in Work and Asset Management
Service Call Search - Searches for existing service calls matching a given criteria
Get Service Call - Retrieves additional information about an existing service call
Get Service Call Entities - Gets other work documents initiated from the service call
Cancel Service Call - Requests a cancellation of an existing service request and creates a new communication in Work and Asset Management. The new communication links to the service call and to a To Do entry for reviewing and processing the cancellation request
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Tips and Considerations
Assign external users requiring these inbound web services to the "WAM Services" and "WAM Basic User" user groups . These user groups have access to the W1-INTG-SUITE-API (Integration Suite API) application service, which secures the inbound web services.
Service Call Search Inbound Web Service - Additional Search Criteria
The Service Call Search Inbound Web Service enables call center agents to perform one search to retrieve all the service calls from a premise with multiple asset locations. Previously, they performed multiple searches to retrieve all the service calls from the premise's multiple asset locations. In addition, the Inbound Web Service provides an "only active service calls" filter to improve the search results.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Truck Storeroom - Stock Items Synchronization
The Mobile Integration of Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management synchronizes all in-stock and out-of-stock item details in the Truck Storeroom, which provides support to inventory transactions like issues and returns. This synchronization increases the accuracy between the Hand Quantity information of the application and Actual Quantity of the Truck Storeroom. Previously, the Mobile Integration only synchronized Stock Item Detail information for in-stock items in the Truck Storeroom.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Integration Outbound Web Services
This section describes the new and enhanced outbound web services integration features in this release, including:
Activity-level Service Histories Support for Oracle Field Service
The activity details sent to Oracle Field Service or an external system are enhanced to reflect whether the asset information is required for a particular service history type. This is helpful because for some service histories, such as General and Questionnaire Types, asset information is an optional field. If asset information is optional, Oracle Field Service or the external system can create the service history against the activity only.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Work Activity Duration to Oracle Field Service
Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management enables you to define activity duration on activity type and work activity, and pass this information to Oracle Field Service.
Passing the activity duration to Oracle Field Service enables better planning and crew assignment.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Miscellaneous Enhancements
This section describes the new and enhanced miscellaneous features in this release, including:
Analytics Publisher Reports Enhancements
The Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, Construction Work Activity, and Crew Shift reports of Analytics Publisher now provide the following:
Bar codes (if applicable)
Formatting improvements
Additional information (such as Purchase Order Details and Vendor Addresses)
These updates provide additional useful information and improve readability.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Menu Option Display Controlled by Application Service
Security has been added to menus such that, if a user does not have the application service and access mode defined on the menu, the "Add" objects option is not available in main/admin menus or search/portal header. Previously, some menu items were available to all users and users without the proper security would get an error when they clicked "Add."
If an MO does not have any subclasses, the menu is secured by the MO's application service with access mode "Add." If an MO has multiple subclasses and each subclass has its own menu, query portal and maintenance portal, each subclass's menus are now secured by the application service of the base Business Object for that subclass with access mode "Add." For example, the MO "W1-NODE" has four subclasses, Asset Location, Out of Service Location, Storeroom and Organization and each has its own menu and portals.
See the "Application Services" feature below for information on a few subclass Business Objects that were modified as part of this effort.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.