Audit Query by User

This transaction is used to view changes made by a user that are stored on a given Audit Trail File.

CAUTION: The system only audits changes that you've told it to audit. Refer to The Big Picture Of Audit Trails for more information.

Navigate to this page by selecting Admin > Database > Audit Query By User.

Description of Page

To use this transaction:

  • Enter the User ID of the user whose changes you wish to view.
  • Enter the name of the table on which the audit trail information is stored in Audit Table. Refer to The Audit Trail File for more information about this field.
Note: Default Note. If only one audit table is used to store audit trail information, that table is defaulted.
  • Specify a date and time range in Created between to restrict the records that result from the query.
Note: Default Note. The current date is defaulted.
  • Click the search button to display all changes recorded on a specific audit table associated with a given user.

Information on this query is initially displayed in reverse chronological order.

The following information is displayed in the grid:

  • Row Creation Date is the date and time that the change was made.
  • Audited Table Name contains the name of the table whose contents were changed.
  • Primary Key is the prime key of the row in the Audited Table whose contents where changed.
  • Audited Field Name is the name of the field that was changed.
  • Audit Action indicates whether the row action was Add, Change or Delete.
  • Field Value Before Update contains the content of the field before the change. This column is blank if information was Added.
  • Field Value After Update contains the content of the field after the change. This column is blank if information was Deleted.