To Do Entries Have Logs

Each To Do entry has a To Do log that maintains a record of the To Do's progress in the system. For example, the To Do log indicates when the To Do entry was created, when it was assigned to a user and to whom it was assigned, and when and by whom it was completed. Users can view the log to see who assigned them a particular To Do and whether any work has already been done on the To Do.

A log entry is created for all actions that can be taken on a To Do entry. Log entries are created for the following events:

  • A To Do entry is created (either by the system or by a user)

  • A To Do entry is completed (either by the system or by a user)

  • A user takes an open To Do entry

  • A supervisor assigns a To Do entry

  • A user forwards an entry to another user or role

  • A user sends back a To Do to the user who forwarded it

  • A user manually adds a log entry to record details about the To Do's progress

  • A user manually overrides the To Do entry's priority

  • The To Do entry's priority was updated as a result of a calculate priority algorithm.

Fastpath: For information about the contents of log entries for each of the events, refer to Log Entry Events.