Understanding Asset Types

Asset types define the attributes for assets and components of a certain type including information such as the valid location types and service history types for the assets and whether or not such assets can have attached components. Also, average cost statistics are graphically displayed on the asset type record.

Asset types are defined by:

  • Component Relationship: A flag that indicates if components can be installed on assets or components of this type.
  • Asset Business Object: The business object used for assets or components based on this asset type.
  • Valid Location Types: A list of location types where assets or components of this type can be located.
  • Valid Attached To Asset Types: A list of valid asset types where components of this type can be attached (applicable to components only).
  • Valid Service History Types: A list of valid service history types that can apply for assets or components of this type.

Refer to Defining Asset Types for more information about setting up asset types.

Asset Classes

Assets are defined by classes, each of which is based on a specific business object, and determines the type of asset: an asset or a component.

The table below lists the asset classes and the business object for each.

Asset Class Business Object
Asset W1-AssetType (Operational Device Asset Type)
Component W1-ComponentType (Operational Device Component Type)