Approval Routing

The approval request, once submitted, is routed for approval based on the roles of the approvers and their approval decisions. For example:

  • One Standard Role: If the approval profile consists of one To Do Role with mandatory or standard approval type, the users with that role receive the approval notification and any one of them can approve the request as long as the To Do Role has authority for the needed dollar amount.
  • Multiple Roles/All Standard: If the approval profile consists of multiple To Do Roles and all are standard, any To Do Role can approve the request as long as they have the authority for the needed dollar limit.
  • Mix of Mandatory and Standard Roles: If the approval profile consists of multiple To Do Roles with a mix of mandatory and standard, the users with mandatory must approve the request even if the standard approvers have authority based on the dollar limit or other factors. In other words, the mandatory approval role must take an action by agreeing or rejecting the request.
  • Request Time-out: If approvers do not respond to the request within the time allotted by the time-out threshold, the system sends another notification to the approvers. If action is still not taken, the request moves to the next approval role, as applicable and the next role receives notification.
  • One Approver with Multiple Roles: If one approver has multiple To Do Role s on one approval profile for the request, the system prompts that person to indicate which role they are approving. For example, approver Jon is in both the supervisor and manager To Do Roles. When an approval request comes in and Jon approves the request, a selection box opens to allow Jon to choose in which To Do Role the request is being approved . If Jon selects multiple approval requests to approve at once in the Approval Dashboard Jon may receive a warning to specify an Acting To Do Role before selecting an action. This means you must pick a role from the Acting To Do Role drop down and click Search to let the system know which role you are using to approve the requests.
  • Insufficient Approval Amount: If an approval request comes in for a record with a higher dollar amount than anyone on the approval path is authorized to approve, the requestor is notified that no one on the approval profile has sufficient authority. The requestor must choose a different approval profile and resubmit.
  • One Standard Role: If an approver rejects the approval request, the request terminates and additional approvers on the approval path are not notified. The requestor is notified that the request has been rejected. Any approver in the route can reject and terminate the approval process regardless of their approval authority or limit amount. However, this does not apply for “notification only” approvers.
  • Not Authorized to Approve: Some roles might be set as “not authorized to approve” but they still appear on the approval path. These approvers receive notification of the request and can approve or reject, but their decision is simply recorded for the next approver on the approval path to be aware of their decision. This setting is only applicable for an approval profile that is for no amount.

    If this type of approver rejects the request, the same processing applies as described for “one standard role”.