2.1.2 View Account Classes

View the Nostro account classes by following the instructions in this topic.

  1. In the left navigation panel, click Nostro Account Configuration. Under Nostro Account Configuration click Account Class and then click View.
    The View page displays the Account Classes.

    Figure 2-7 View Account Class - Tile View

    Table 2-6 View Account Class - Field Description

    Field Description
    Account Class Displays the Account Class name.
    Description Displays the description of the Account Class.
    Account Type Displays the Account Class Type.
    Status Displays the status details of the record.


    Change views by selecting the option from the top right corner of the page. The two view options available are the Tile view and the List view.
  2. Click the menu icon on the top right of a tile in the Tile view or the More Options menu to the right of a row in the List view and select from the action menu items described in the following table.

    Table 2-7 Action Menu table

    Action Menu Item Description
    Unlock Select to unlock an Account Class to make amendments.
    Close Select to close an Account Class.
    View Select to view the details of an Account Class.
    Search Select to search for a particular Account Class.
    Audit Select to view the Maker, Checker, Status, and Modification Number.
    Error & Overrides Select to view all existing errors or warnings on the page.


    The action menu items and the options available depends on your role and the status of the record.
  3. Unlock and update an Account Class.
    1. Select Unlock from the More Options menu.
      The Basic Details screen in the Account Class Maintenance page displays.

      Figure 2-8 Unlock an Account Class

    2. Update the required fields on the Basic Details screen.
    3. Click the required data entry screens listed at the top of the page and make the required changes.
    4. Click Save & Close.


    To know more about updating the data entry screens, see Create Account Class.
  4. View the details of an Account Class.
    1. Select View from the More Options menu.
      The Account Class Maintenance page displays the account class details tiles.

      Figure 2-9 Account Class Maintenance - View an Account Class Details

    2. Click the Expand button in the MIS Details tile.
      The MIS Details dialog displays.
    3. Click Summary for a statement type listed in the Statement Preferences tile.
      The Statement Preference Details dialog displays the preferences summary.