2.1 Configure Branch Parameters

This topic describes the systematic instructions to configure branch parameters.

  1. Click Account Configurations, and under Account Configurations, click Branch Parameters.
  2. Under Branch Parameters, click Configure.
    The Configure page displays the Branch Parameter Details screen.

    Figure 2-1 Configure Branch Parameter Details

  3. On Branch Parameter Details screen, specify the fields.

    Table 2-1 Branch Parameter Details - Field Description

    Field Description
    Branch Code Specify the branch code. For more details on how to configure the Branch Code, see External Branch Parameters in the Oracle Banking Common Code User Guide.
    Branch Name The description for the branch is auto-populated.
    Status Processing Basis Status Processing is done at the Account level → 'A' (Default). Each account status is assigned according to the status processing parameters in effect for that account.
    Uncollected Funds Basis Specify how the system must enforce an amount of uncollected funds (on an account) that can be withdrawn within one business day.

    Set a limit on the amount of uncollected funds that can be withdrawn (Uncollected Funds Limit) for each account. You can also specify whether the system considers uncollected funds that are allowed to be withdrawn on a particular business day, as follows:

    • The funds yet to be released on the current date (today), OR,
    • The total uncollected funds available in accounts subject to the Uncollected Funds limit.

    The following details are displayed in the drop-down list:

    Uncollected Funds → 'U' (Default) - If selected, an amount equal to or lesser than the uncollected funds limit defined for the account can be withdrawn by the account on any business day.
    Check Number Mask Specify the mask of the check number. If the check mask is not maintained at the Branch level, the system checks for the maintenance at the Bank level.
    Back Value Check Required Specify whether a check is to be performed for back-valued transaction. The default value is No.
    Back Value Days Specify the number of days up to which back-valued transactions can be allowed.

    This field is enabled when Back Value Check Required is set to Yes.

  4. Click Next.
    The Account Mask Details screen displays.

    Figure 2-2 Account Mask Details

  5. Specify the fields on the Account Mask Details screen.

    Table 2-2 Account Mask Details - Field Description

    Field Description
    Account Mask This drop-down list displays the account mask value. The list of values is –
    • L - Account class
    • T - Account code
    • a – Alphabet
    • B - Branch code
    • D – Check digit
    • $ - Currency code
    • C - Customer number
    • n - Numeric value
    Auto Generate Account Select this check box to generate the account number automatically.

    The customer account mask contains only number or combination of Branch Code and number.


    This flag will be ‘automatic’ - if the Auto Generate Account flag is Yes and ‘manual’ - if Auto Generate Account flag is No.
    Checksum Algorithm This drop-down list displays the checksum algorithm to be used for an account.

    The following items are available in the list.

    • Modulo 10
    • Modulo 11
    • Modulo 97


    Mod 97 supports only Numeric mask.
    Start Account Number This field appears if Auto Generate Account is enabled. Specify the start account number.
    End Account Number This field appears if Auto Generate Account is enabled. Specify the end account number.

    Some of the the above fields are repeated for Multi-currency Parameters.

    Account Mask

    When you open Account Mask, the left pane displays a list of items that are part of the account mask. Click and select from the left pane to view the fields. Fields that accept 'n' characters or numbers will have a text box where you can enter the number of times you want this value to repeat. Click Add to enter values in the Account Mask screen.

    The following characters are supported in Account Mask.

    Table 2-3 Account Mask

    Field Mask Character Mask Length
    Account Class L 6
    Account Code T 4
    Alphabet (User Input) a User defined
    Branch Code B 3
    Check Digit D 2
    Currency Code $ 3
    Customer Number C 9
    Numeric Value (User Input) n User defined

    There is no restriction to the number of characters when maximum length is not provided. However, the total length including the check digit must not exceed a maximum of 20 characters.

  6. Click Next.
    The IBAN Details screen displays.
  7. Specify the fields on the IBAN Details screen.
    International Bank Account Number (IBAN) allows the user to identify bank accounts across national borders. IBAN comprises of the country code, check digits followed by a country specific Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN).

    Table 2-4 IBAN Details - Field Description

    Field Description
    IBAN Country Code The system defaults the country code of the branch. The maximum allowed characters for IBAN country code are 2. IBAN Country Code is mandatory.
    IBAN Check Digit Algorithm The system defaults MOD97 as IBAN check digit algorithm.
    BBAN Format Mask Specify the mask for BBAN. Refer to the table below.
    BBAN Data Type Specify the data type of the BBAN mask characters. It can have only a (alphabet), n (number) and c (alphanumeric) as values.
    BBAN Check Digit Algorithm Select the BBAN check digit algorithm from the drop-down list. The elements are as listed below –
    • MOD10
    • MOD11
    • MOD97
    BBAN Bank Code Specify the BBAN bank code which will be replaced for bank code in the BBAN account mask.
    BBAN Branch Code Specify the BBAN branch code which will be replaced for branch code in the BBAN account mask.

    BBAN Format Mask

    Table 2-5 BBAN Format Mask - Field Description

    Field Character Mask Length
    Account Number z User defined
    Account Type T User defined
    BBAN Bank Code b User defined
    BBAN Branch Code s User defined
    Check Digit d User defined
    National Identifier i User defined
    Number of Account Holders h The value is defaulted to 1


    The maximum characters allowed for BBAN account mask is 30.
  8. Click Back to navigate to previous tabs or click Save and Close to complete the steps. Click Cancel to exit without saving.
    The Branch Parameters are created.


    At this point, the status of the Branch Parameters are Unauthorized. A user with a supervisor role has to approve the Branch Parameters. After approval, the status changes to Authorized, and the Branch Parameters are available for use by another process.
  9. Approve the Branch Parameters.
    To approve or reject Branch Parameters, see View Branch Parameters.


    As a maker of this configuration, you cannot approve it. It has to be approved by another user with a Supervisor role.