4.2 View Business Process

This topic describes the systematic instructions to view the list of available business processes.

  1. Click Account Configurations. Under Account Configurations, click Corporate / Nostro Business Process.
  2. Under Corporate / Nostro Business Process, click View.
    The View page displays the configured Business Processes.

    Figure 4-7 View Business Processes


    Click Tile view or List view to switch between the Tile view and the List view.

    Table 4-7 Business Process Tile - Field Description

    Field Description
    Business Process Code Displays the business process code.
    Description Displays the description for the business process code.
    Lifecycle Displays the life-cycle code.
    Authorization Displays the authorization status of the record.
    • Authorized
    • Rejected
    • Unauthorized
    Status Displays the status of the record.
    • Open
    • Closed

    The following table describes the action items in the More Options (More Options menu icon) menu and the action items on the page.

    Table 4-8 Action Items Description

    Action Item Description
    Unlock Unlock a record and make amendments.
    Close Close a record to prevent it from being unlocked and amended.
    View View the details of a record.
    Delete Delete a record.


    Once deleted, the component can no longer be used to define an entity. But entities already defined using the component can continue to use it.
    Reopen Reopen a closed record.
    Authorize Authorize a record to make it active and available to define entities.


    Creator of a record cannot authorize the component. Another user with authorize permissions can.
    Audit Select to view the Maker, Checker, Status, and Modification Number of a record.
    Errors and Overrides Select to view all existing errors or warnings on the page.


    The actions you can perform depend on your role and the record status.
  3. View the details of a Business Process.
    1. Click More Options menu icon and select View.
      The Business Process Maintenance page displays the business process details in different tiles.

      Figure 4-8 View details of a Business Process

    2. Click Account Category or Branches tab in the Basic Details tile.
      The associated Account Categories or Branches are listed in the Basic Details tile.
    3. Click Expand Button on the Stage Configuration tile.
      The Stage Configuration details display the Manual Stages and System tasks configured in the Business Process.

      Figure 4-9 Stage Configuration details of a Business Process


      All the stages defined in the business process are displayed. And different business process can have different stages.
    4. Click Expand Button on the Data Segments tile.
      The Data Segments screen displays the data segments added to each Application Phase of the business process.

      Figure 4-10 View the Data Segments of a Business Process

    5. Click on an Application Phase tab to view the Data Segments valid for each Application Phase.


      For the business process in the image the following phases are defined: Entry, Approval, and Handoff Retry.
    6. Click Expand Button on the Documents, Advices, and Checklist tiles to view the corresponding details.


      Click an Application Phase tab at the top to view the corresponding details.
  4. Unlock and update a Business Process.
    1. Click More Options menu icon and select Unlock.
      The Business Process Maintenance page displays the Basic Details screen.

      Figure 4-11 Unlock Business Process - Basic Details


      Fields that are grayed out cannot be edited.


      For more information about fields in the Business Process screens, see Create Business Process.
    2. Update the required fields and click Next.
      The Stage Configuration screen displays.

      Figure 4-12 Unlock Business Process - Stage Configuration

    3. Update the required fields and click Next.
      The Business Process Maintenance page displays the Data Segments screen.

      Figure 4-13 Unlock Business Process - Data Segments

      1. To view, edit, or delete a Data Segment tile, click More Options menu icon and select View, Edit, or Delete. For example, view the Account Address data segment tile to display the following:

        Figure 4-14 Account Address - Data Segment

      2. To add a Data Segment to a stage, click + on the required Application Phase stage tab.
        The add Data Segments dialog displays.

        Figure 4-15 Add a Data Segment to a Stage

      3. Select the required Data Segments.
      4. Configure the Settings, Account Category, and Branch Codes for each data segment.

        Table 4-9 Configuration Fields Description

        Fields Name Description
        Settings Click the field and select the required Role from the drop-down list.
        Account Category Specify the Account Categories to which the linked advice applies.
        Branches Specify the Branches to which the linked advice applies.
      5. Click Add.
    4. Click Next.
      The Business Process Maintenance page displays the Documents screen.

      Figure 4-16 Unlock Business Process - Documents

      You can link documents required at each stage of the business process.

      1. To view, edit, or delete a Linked Document tile, click More Options menu icon and select View, Edit, or Delete.
      2. To link document to a stage, click + on the required Application Phase stage tab.
        The Link Documents dialog displays.

        Figure 4-17 Unlock Business Process - Link Documents

      3. Select the required document.
      4. Configure the Settings, Account Category, and Branch Codes for each selected document.
      5. Click Add.
    5. Click Next.
      The Business Process Maintenance page displays the Advices screen.
      1. To view, edit, or delete an Advices tile, click More Options menu icon and select View, Edit, or Delete.
      2. To link Advices to a stage, click + on the required Application Phase stage tab.
        The Link Advices dialog displays.

        Figure 4-19 Unlock Business Process - Link Advices

      3. Select the required Advices.
      4. Configure the Settings, Account Category, and Branch Codes for each selected advice.
    6. Click Next.
      The Business Process Maintenance page displays the Checklist screen.

      Figure 4-20 Unlock Business Process - Checklists

      1. To view, edit, or delete a Checklist tile, click More Options menu icon and select View, Edit, or Delete.
      2. To link Checklists to a stage, click + on the required Application Phase stage tab.
        The Add Checklists dialog displays.
      3. Select the required Checklists.
      4. Configure the Settings, Account Category, and Branch Codes for each selected Checklist.
  5. Approve or Reject an unauthorized Business Process.
    1. From the Search Filter, search for the required record that is in an Unauthorized and Open state.
    2. Click More Options menu icon and select Authorize.
      The View page displays.

      Table 4-10 Authorize View

      Field Name Description
      Mod Number<N> Indicates the number of times the record was modified. Where N represents the number of modifications.


      For a newly created record the modification number is 1.
      Done By Name of the user who performed the latest modification.
      Done On Date on which the record was modified.
      Record Status The status of the record.


      To authorize a record, its status should be Open.
      Once Auth Specifies if the record was authorized at least once.


      For a newly created record, the value is No.
      Compare (Button) Click to compare the modified record with the previous version of the record.
      View (Button) Click to display the record details.
    3. Click the check box besides Mod Number<N> to select the modified record.
    4. Click Approve or Reject.
      The Confirm dialog displays.
    5. Enter any remarks and click Confirm.
      A toast message confirms the successful approval or rejection of the record.