19.2 FAQ

  1. Can I define multiple feedback questions as part of the template definition?

    No. Only one feedback question can be defined as part of the template and this will be asked to the business user on which he/she will rate. The same question will be applicable to General feedback and for transactions.

  2. What is the relevance of the questions and option set defined as part of select question section?

    The questions and options defined as part of the select question section are used for association to the scale weights if required which will be asked to the user on he/she selecting the weight on the rating scale as part of actual feedback capture.

  3. Can I have separate questions associated at scale weight level for different transactions?

    Yes, you will need to select and group transactions for which you wish to have common questions and options at scale weight level. Click on Add Another Transaction to add transactions that require different set of questions and options at scale weight level.

  4. Can I remove the questions associated at scale weight level as part of edit?

    No.Currentlyquestions once defined can’t be removed.

  5. Can the same feedback template be applicable to multiple roles?

    Yes, provided multiple roles have been selected in the ‘Applicable to Role’ field.