49.3 FAQ

  1. Is relationship mapping a mandatory step?

    Yes, relationship mapping is a mandatory step, without which the accounts will not be fetched from the core banking application.

  2. Will all transactions available be listed under a respective module on relationship matrix screen?

    Transactions for which the Customer Relationship Matrix maintenance flag is enabled in ‘Transaction Aspects’ screen will be listed under the respective modules.

  3. Will a user get the access of a transaction and of an account, based on the relationship matrix definition?

    No, OBAPIS first checks if the transaction is mapped to the role attached to the user and then if it is enabled in relationship matrix. If both the conditions are satisfied, access of the transaction and of account is provided to the user.

  4. What will happen if an inquiry access for current and savings accounts module have been granted for a specific relationship code e.g. JAF (Joint and First) and not provided for a non-inquiry transactions?

    In the above case user having an account with the relationship code JAF, will be able to access all inquiry transactions from digital platform but the account will not be listed in non-inquiry transaction screen.