17.4 FAQ

  1. Do I have to activate the custom flow once created?

    Yes, custom workflow needs to be activated from the button present at the bottom of custom workflow diagram .

  2. Is it mandatory to create custom workflow?

    No, bank can use default workflows if no changes are required in the flow.

  3. What will be the expected system behaviour when the specific step is configured as an optional step?

    If the step is configured as an optional step, user can choose to skip that step while filling the application form.

  4. Can I delete the optional step from the workflow?

    Yes, once you delete the optional step, end user will not be shown that step as part application origination.

  5. What will happen to the applications which are in draft status with the old origination workflow?

    The application will be processed as per the new workflow defined by the banker. The information which is already filled by the customer will be pre-populated. In addition, user will be asked to provide the information if any as per the newly configured workflow.

  6. How many custom flows can I create per product category?

    Banker would be allowed to create only one custom flow. Modifications can be made in the custom flow at the later stage as per the bank’s requirement.

  7. Can I configure the workflows at the product level available under each product category?

    No, as of now banker will be allowed to configure the workflows at product category level.