47.9 FAQ

  1. Can I design new widgets using Dashboard Builder functionality?

    No, designing of a new widget is not allowed using this functionality. Administrator can use the existing widgets and can design the required dashboard.

  2. Can I design different dashboards for different device types (desktop, mobile and tablet) using one template?

    Yes, you can design different dashboards for different types of devices using one template. An edit option is available while previewing the dashboard on each type of device, which will help the user to make the necessary changes for specific device type.

    However the system will always display the widgets mapped to a combination of application role and internet as touch point, irrespective of any device size the user selects

  3. Can I delete the template that is mapped to a user / party / segment / user type?

    Yes, you can delete the template that are already mapped to a user / party / segment or user type. A warning message informing about the mapping deletion is shown to the administrator while deleting a template.

  4. Can I map the same template to multiple users or parties?

    Yes, you can map the same template to multiple parties or users. Separate entries are required for such mapping.

  5. Can the system/bank administrator edit a Factory shipped dashboard ?

    No, Factory shipped dashboards can’t be modified. However system/bank administrator can modify a custom made dashboard.an I design the dashboard and map for administrator types of users (Bank/system administrator and corporate administrator)?

  6. Can I design a dashboard for System Admin or Bank Admin?

    Yes, you can design the administrative dashboards using Dashboard Builder maintenance.

  7. When will the newly mapped dashboard be visible to the end customer?

    Newly mapped dashboard will be available to the end user with an immediate effect.

  8. Can an end user (Retail/Corporate users) design their own dashboards or set their preferences to see required widgets?

    Yes Retail and Corporate users can personalize and design their dashboard.

  9. In case of dashboard templates available at user level, segment level, application role level and user type level, which dashboard will the system resolve? Also what is the order in which the dashboards are resolved?

    If there is a dashboard template mapped at a user level, then the system will display the user level dashboard on login.

    Before rendering the dashboard, system will first check if there is a dashboard at user level, followed by segment, application role and then at user type.

    In case where a retail user has personalize his/her dashboard, the system will give the priority to user defined dashboard followed by Administrator defined dashboards as user, segment, application role and then at user type.