66.4 FAQ

  1. Can Bank Administrator initiate fresh mails?

    No, Bank administrator can not initiate fresh mail. Administrator will be allowed only to reply to the mails received in their inbox.

  2. Will Bank Administrators receive all mails initiated by bank’s customers?

    Bank Administrators will receive only those mails of which the mail subject is mapped to individual user or group of users. E.g. Mail initiated by customer with subject ‘Change of communication address’ will only be sent to the users whom this subject is mapped.

  3. Can Bank Administrator view reply sent by other Administrator to customer’s mail?

    Yes, bank administrators can view the mails replied by other administrators, only if the mail subject is mapped to the user.

  4. Can Bank Administrator delete multiple mails?

    Yes, user can select multiple mails and delete the same.

  5. Can Bank Administrator restore the deleted mails?

    Deleted mails from inbox and sent mail folder will be stored in Deleted Mails folder. User can view the details of deleted mail and can restore the mail back in respective folders. Mails will get permanently deleted from user’s view if further deleted from ‘Deleted Mail folder’.