22 First Time Login

Whenever a new user logs into the application for the first time with the user name and password provided by bank, there are certain tasks that he/she needs to fulfil before being able to access the online services of the bank. These steps are configured by Bank and can include accepting Terms and Conditions, Setting up Security Question, My profile and limit information.

The first time login event are configurable at Entity Level. Bank Admin would be able to define the mandatory and skippable steps for each entity.

Post first time login to the application , system will check the configured steps for the logged in entity and will be displayed to user. Once the user completes the first time login steps for his primary entity, and switches to another entity, system will check if the user has completed the first time login steps for the switched entity, if not system will ask the user to complete the same for the switched entity.


Each step will either have Next or Skip button basis on the configuration (mandatory/optional) done by Bank Administrator.

User will be allowed to skip Non-Mandatory Steps.

  • Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
  • Enterprise roles are maintained in application.
  • Touch point groups are maintained, if required.
  • Limit packages are maintained.

Features Supported In Application

This option allows the System Administrator to:
  • Maintain First Time Login Event
  • View First Time Login Event
  • Edit First Time Login Event

Navigation Path:

From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu, then click Menu and then click Configuration, Under Configuration , click First Time Login.

Table 22-1 Field Description

Field Name Description
Enterprise Role Name of enterprise roles set in application.
The options can be:
  • Corporate User
  • Administrator
  • Retail User

On selecting an application role, system rules maintained if any, are shown in editable form.

First Time Login Steps First time login steps to be followed or not. Administrator can also configure the steps along with the order of the steps that need to be displayed to use
Below field are displayed if the First Time Login Steps option is enabled
Select Option to decide whether that transaction is to be displayed as part of the first time login steps.
Name of Screen Name of the transaction which is to be included as part of First Time Login Steps process.
Level Display the Level for First Time Login event .whether its Entity or Enterprise Level (non-editable)
Mandatory Option which will decide whether the transaction is mandatory to execute as part of First Time Login Steps process.
Reorder Order in which the transactions will get displayed when the user logs in for the first time. Administrator can click on the reorder icon and configure the order of steps in which these steps need to be displayed to user.

To set up the First Time Login Steps:

  1. Navigate to the above paths.
    The First Time Login screen appears.
  2. In the First Time Login Steps field, select the appropriate option.
    1. To include in the First Time Login Steps process, select the checkbox(s) against the transaction and configure the steps.
    2. Slide Mandatory option to enabled /disabled the execution of transaction in the First Time Login Steps process.
    3. Slide slide icon to set order in which transaction are executed in the First Time Login Steps process.
  3. Click Submit to save First Time Login events.
    The search results are displayed.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

    The success message appears.

  4. The First Time Login - Review screen appears.
    Verify the details, and click Confirm.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

  5. The success message of First Time Login maintenance appears along with the transaction reference number.
    Click OK to complete the transaction.