43.1.1 Search and View External Bank's Details

System Administrators can search and view the details of the external banks already maintained in the application.

To view external bank's details:

  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The External Bank Maintenance screen appears.
  2. In the Bank Name field, enter the bank name to search for a specific external bank.
  3. Click Search.
    List of external banks matching search criteria appears in search summary section.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Clear to reset the details.


    Click ADD to add new external bank.

    Figure 43-2 External Bank Maintenance - Search Result

    Table 43-1 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Bank Logo The external Bank's logo.
    Bank Name The name of the external bank maintained in OBAPIS.
    Bank URL The URL of the external bank maintained in OBAPIS.
    Enable OAuth Details The status of the external bank's authorization details, if enabled or disabled.
    Enabled on If the status of an external bank is enabled, then date and time on which the bank is enabled for customers.
  4. Click Bank Name link on External Bank Maintenance screen.
    The bank details maintained appears on External Bank Maintenance - View screen.

    Figure 43-3 External Bank Maintenance - View

    Table 43-2 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Bank Details
    Bank Name The name of the external bank maintained in OBAPIS.
    Bank Address The address of the external bank maintained in OBAPIS.
    Bank URL The URL of the external bank maintained in OBAPIS.
    Bank Logo The external Bank's logo.
    Bank Identifier The external bank identifier.
    OAuth Authorization Details
    Enable OAuth Details Displays the authorization details status for the external bank i.e. whether to enable /disable.
    Authorization URL Displays the authorization url.
    Token URL Displays the Token url.
    Revoke URL Displays the Revoke url.
    Redirect URL Displays the Redirect url.
    Client ID Displays the Client ID.
    Client Secret Keys Displays the Client secret keys.
    Scope Displays the applicable scope(s) for the external bank.
    External API Details
    External API's Displays the category of external API's exchanged between the Banks.
    API URL Displays the API URL.
  5. Click Edit to edit the external bank details.

    Click Delete to delete the external bank details.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.