50.4 Transaction Blackout - Delete

System Administrator can delete existing blackout instructions. User is allowed to delete future dated blackouts. Deleting ongoing blackout will stop the blackout and the transaction will be available to the users post approved by necessary levels of approvals.

To delete maintenance:

  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The Transaction Blackout screen appears.
  2. Enter the search criteria like Transaction, Date, or User Type.


    Alternately, the user can perform a blank search.
  3. Click Search, displays results based on search criteria.

    Click Clear to clear the search criteria.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

  4. On the Detailed View screen, click Delete to delete the maintenance.


    Click Edit to edit the maintenance.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Back to navigate to previous screen.

  5. The Pop-up Message to confirm deletion appears.

    Figure 50-6 Deleting an Ongoing / scheduled Maintenances

  6. On the Detailed View screen, of the blackout, click Delete.
  7. The Pop-up Message to confirm deletion appears.
  8. Click Yes to delete.

    Click No to go back to the maintenance.

  9. The Review screen appears.
    Verify the details, and click Confirm.


    Click Cancel to cancel the operation.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

  10. The success message appears along with the transaction reference number.
    Click OK to complete the transaction.