50.5 FAQ

  1. Can I edit an Ongoing Transaction Blackout?

    Only the End time and End Date of the ongoing blackout can be edited, that too only if it is greater than the current system date and time.

  2. Can I edit scheduled Transaction Blackout?

    Yes. System Administrator has more flexibility in editing a scheduled transaction blackout.

  3. Can I delete an ongoing Transaction blackout?

    Yes, ongoing transaction blackout can be deleted. Deleting ongoing blackout will stop the blackout and the transaction will be available to the users post approved by necessary levels of approvals.

  4. Any notification will be sent to the users about the planned blackout?

    Administrator can send a notification to the users using the mailers feature available.

  5. What happens when user tries to access the transaction which is blacked out?

    A message is shown on the screen informing about transaction blackout.