57.1 User Alerts Subscription - Search

Using this option, the Bank Administrator can search and view the details of alerts subscribed for the Retail or Corporate users of a Party. Here, bank admin is required to search user to whom alert maintenance is to be set up by entering party id of retail/ corporate user .

Once party id is identified application will display all the user records on boarded for selected Party Id with their Alerts Subscription Status. For the users whose alerts subscription is completed will be displayed with an indicator as alert subscription is done. Once, Admin selects the user, he will be navigated to User alert subscription detailed page.

All the alerts subscribed for a party will be displayed in the respective categories viz. Current and Savings, Term Deposits, Loans etc. in a table.

To view subscribed alerts for a Party:

  1. Navigate to the above path.
    The User Alerts Subscription screen appears.
  2. In the Party Id field, enter the party id of the user.

    In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.

  3. Click Search.
    The party id will be displayed based on the search criteria


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Clear to clear the search criteria.

    Figure 57-2 User Alerts Subscription – Party Search

    Table 57-1 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Party ID Party Id of the user.
    Search Party Name Enter Party Id, and click to search the party name of the user.
    Search Result
    Party Id Display Party ID
    Party Name Display Party name

57.1 To view subscribed alerts for a User:

To view subscribed alerts for a User:

  1. Navigate to the above path.
    The User Alerts Subscription screen appears.
  2. From the User Name list, select the appropriate option whose alerts you wish to view.
  3. In the User Name field, enter the user name.
  4. Click Search.
    The search result appears based on the search criteria.


    Click Back to go back to previous step.

    Figure 57-3 User Alerts Subscription – User Search

    Table 57-2 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Party ID Display Party ID
    Party Name Display Party name
    Search User Enter user name maintained in the core banking application for retail users and maintained for corporate users.
    Search Result
    Initials Display Initials of the User
    User Name Display User Name
    Full Name Display Corporate / Retail users Full name


    For the users whose alerts subscription is completed will be displayed with an indicator as alert subscription is done.
  5. For the detailed view, click on User Name field. The tabs for all modules CASA/ Term Deposit/ Loans / Profile that the user has access to with the respective account numbers appears.
  6. Select the particular account number to view alert type and delivery mode, for each CASA (Current and Savings Accounts) / TD (Term Deposits) / Loans account.


    View the tick icon on the delivery mode against the alert, if the user has subscribed to any alerts for that.

    Figure 57-4 User Alerts Subscription - Detailed View

  7. Subscribe/ unsubscribe alerts, and click confirm to subscribe/ unsubscribe alerts.

    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.