14 JPA and OBAPI multi-cluster

In a multi-cluster environment, below JPA related changes should be implemented

  • Go to Weblogic server
  • Open config\META-INF\persistence.xml
  • Append below configuration for all data-source

    <property name="eclipselink.cache.coordination.jms.host" value="t3://<WEBLOGIC-HOST-NAME OR IP>:<MANAGED-SERVER-PORT>/" />

    Replace with respective hostname or IP and Port no (this should be the managed server port number which hosts the JPA queues in the cluster)

Key pointers;

  • Multi-cluster here refer’s to :
    • Single cluster with multiple nodes (2 or more physical servers hosting the OBAPI product)
    • 2 or more Weblogic cluster’s
  • Ensure these (persistence.xml) changes are available to all Managed server by maintaining appropriate classpath