15 Troubleshoot Overview

This section describes how to troubleshoot OBAPI setup.

Invalid database password

This topic contains troubleshooting information if you receive an error when attempting to connect to the database server.

If you get the following error:

Troubleshoot Overview

Try one of the following:

  • Verify that the database is running.
  • Check Network connectivity between Weblogic Server and Database server.
  • Check the database configuration in installer.properties file
  • Verify that the entered password is correct.

cx_oracle module

This topic contains troubleshooting information about problems with cx_Oracle python module.

If you get the following error:

Troubleshoot Overview

Execute the below command:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/19.10/client64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    import cx_Orace     

Troubleshoot Overview

Failed Database Scripts

This topic contains troubleshooting information in case of database script failures.

If you get the following error in DB_installation.log:

Troubleshoot Overview

Check the detailed log of the failed SQL file at <OBAPI INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM> /logs/db folder.

Failure of Policy Seeding

This topic contains troubleshooting information if policy seeding fails during installation.

If you get the following error:

Troubleshoot Overview

Try one of the following:

  • Check if Entitlement.log is created on following path 
    <OBAPI INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM>/logs/db/ and contains any SEVERE errors for Entitlement policy seeding.
  • Check if Task.log is created on following path 
    <OBAPI INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM>/logs/db/ and contains any SEVERE errors for Task policy seeding.
  • Check if Dashboard_seed.log is created on following path 
    <OBAPI INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM>/logs/db/ and contains any SEVERE errors for Dashboard policy seeding.
  • Check the seedPolicies.log in <OBAPI INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM>/logs/db/ directory 
    if it contains any runtime errors generated during execution of the policies Seeding in OBAPI schema
Fix the problem by following below steps:
  • Login to OBAPI installer server
  • Over-write the policies files (Day0Policy.csv; Entitlement.csv; Resources.csv and Task.csv) from OBAPI Product zip into <OBAPI INSTALLER DIR>/installables/policies directory
  • Browse to <OBAPI INSTALLER DIR>\ installables\policies
  • Edit Entitlement_log4j.properties , Task_log4j.properties & Dashboard_seed_log4j.properties . Replace <logs_path> with directory where policy seeding logs will be generated


    Troubleshoot Overview

    Troubleshoot Overview

  • Run below command manually if “SEVERE” error logs are found in Task.log
    java -jar -Djava.util.logging.config.file='<logs.properties>’
    com.ofss.digx.utils.feed.data.task.jar "Task.csv" "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver,
    <OBAPI Schema name>,<OBAPI Schema password>,jdbc:oracle:thin:@<OBAPI DB hostname or 
    IP>:<OBAPI DB listener port>/<OBAPI Service Name>"


    java -jar -Djava.util.logging.config.file='Task_log4j.properties’ 
    com.ofss.digx.utils.feed.data.task.jar ‘Task.csv’ 
  • Run below command manually if “SEVERE” error logs are found in Entitlement.log
    java -jar -Djava.util.logging.config.file='<logs.properties>’
    'KERNEL'  "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver,<OBAPI Schema name>,
    <OBAPI Schema password>,jdbc:oracle:thin:@<OBAPI DB hostname 
    or IP>:<OBAPI DB listener port>/<OBAPI Service Name>"


    java -jar -Djava.util.logging.config.file='Entitlement_log4j.properties’  
    com.ofss.digx.utils.entitlement.feed.data.jar  ’Resources.csv,Entitlement.csv,
    Day0Policy.csv’  'KERNEL' "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver,OBAPI_THP201,Welcome#1,


    Please remove the space between multiple csv’s if there is any.
  • Run below command manually if “SEVERE” error logs are found in Dashboard_seed.log
    java -jar -Djava.util.logging.config.file='<logs.properties>’
    com.ofss.digx.utils.dashboard.jar  ‘<path>/
    dashboard_json’  "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver,<OBAPI Schema name>,
    <OBAPI Schema password>,jdbc:oracle:thin:@<OBAPI DB hostname or 
    IP>:<OBAPI DB listener port>/<OBAPI Service Name>"


    java -jar -Djava.util.logging.config.file= Dashboard_seed_log4j.properties’
    ‘/installables/policies/dashboard_json’ "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver,OBAPI_THP201,
  • Post successfully execution, restart Managed server.