4.2 Perform Maintenance

You can access the maintenance screens based on the permissions/rights provided for the logged-in user.

Before you begin, log in to the application homepage. For information on how to log in, refer to Signing In.
To perform the maintenance:
  1. On the menu (by default, the hamburger menu is expanded), click on the desired menu item.
  2. In the Mega Menu, click <name of the screen>, or specify <name of the screen> in the search icon bar.
    The screen associated with the menu is displayed.
  3. On the summary screen, click the Add icon icon to navigate to the new screen, enter the necessary details in the fields, and create a new record.

    There are several types of fields such as text box, dropdown, and so on, these fields can also be either mandatory or options fields. For more information, see Mandatory and Optional Fields.

    When you are working with records, it is important to remember that the types of records you can create, view, edit, delete, and so on are determined by administrator settings, such as a user profile or permission set. Work with your administrator to ensure you have access to the records and data you need.