2.1.2 Schedule Tab

Using this tab, you can view or define the schedule based on the product or account, for the newly consolidated loan account.

The prerequisites are as follows:

To define schedule:

  1. In the Schedule tab, maintain the schedule for the consolidated account.

    For more information on fields, refer to field description table below:

    Table 2-3 Schedule tab – Field Description

    Field Description
    Customer ID Displays the customer ID specified in the Consolidation tab.
    Driver Basis Select the account or product for the driver basis.


    • This field is enabled if the Driver Account field is displayed in the Consolidation tab.
    • If the Driver Account field is not displayed in the Consolidation tab, then the value defined in the Rollover Product field in the Consolidation tab is displayed in this field. In this case, the field is not enabled.
    • If the product of the selected Driver Account and Rollover Product fields are different in the Consolidation tab, then the field displays the product selected in the Rollover Product field. Also, the Driver Basis field is not enabled for editing.
    • Only after you select an option from this field, other fields are displayed in this tab.
    Customize Select the option to enable the fields and edit the required details.
    Start Date Specify the start date for the newly consolidated loan account.
    Tenure Specify the tenure to be maintained.


    • By default, this field is not enabled. To enable the field, select the Customize option, displayed next to the Driver Basis field.
    • If you specify a new value in this field, then the Show Revised Schedule button is displayed. As you click this button, the revised schedule is displayed based on the new number of schedules mentioned.
    Frequency Select the frequency for the new consolidated loan account.


    By default, this field is not enabled. To enable the field, select the Customize option, displayed next to the Driver Basis field.
    Installment Amount Specify the total installment amount.


    By default, this field is not enabled. To enable the field, select the Customize option, displayed next to the Driver Basis field.
    Maturity Date Displays the maturity date for the new consolidated loan account.
    First Due Date Displays the first due date for the new consolidated loan account.
    Stage Displays the schedule stage for the new consolidated loan account.
    Component Displays the component for the new consolidated loan account.
    No. of Schedules Displays the number of schedules for the new consolidated loan account.
    Frequency Displays the frequency for the new consolidated loan account.
  2. Click Next.
    The Interest & Fees section is displayed