
This user guide provides you detailed information about the Loan Service module of Oracle Banking Branch.


This guide is intended for the Loan Servicing Officers, Branch Tellers, and Branch Supervisors to provide quick and efficient services to the customers of the bank.

Related Resources

For more information, see these Oracle resources:

  • Getting Started User Guide
  • Teller User Guide


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning


Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Videos and Images

Your company can use skins and styles to customize the look of the application, dashboards, reports, and other objects. It is possible that the videos and images included in the product documentation look different than the skins and styles your company uses.

Even if your skins and styles are different than those shown in the videos and images, the product behavior and techniques shown and demonstrated are the same.

Icons, Buttons, and Shortcut Keys

The lists of icons, buttons and shortcut key that are used in the application to perform various tasks are covered in this topic.

Icons and Buttons

Table -1 Icons and Buttons

Icons and Buttons Description
Refresh Click to refresh details in a screen.
Minimize Click to minimize a screen.
Maximize Click to maximize a screen.
Close Click to close a screen.
Navigate to First Page Click to navigate to first page.
Navigate to Next page Click to navigate to next page.
Navigate to Previous page Click to navigate to previous page.
Navigate to Last page Click to navigate to last page.
Search Click to perform a search.
Edit Click to edit a record.
Delete Click to delete a record.
OK icon Click to confirm the details specified in a row.
Calendar Click to select a date, month and year from a calendar.
OK Click to confirm the details specified.
Back Click to navigate to the previous tab.
Next Click to navigate to the next tab.
Save and Close Click to save the details specified and exist from the screen. The task appears in my pending task, from where you can take the task ahead on your next login.
Cancel Click to cancel the action performed and exist the screen.
Submit Click to submit the transaction for approval.
Audit Click to view the audit details of a particular screen.
Remarks Click to add or view remarks related to a screen.
Shortcut Key

Table -2 Shortcut Key

Shortcut Key Description
Tab Used to shift focus from one input field to other.

List of Topics

This manual is organized into the following topics:

Table -3 List of Topics

Topics Description
Overview of Loan Service This topic provides an overview of Loan Service module in Oracle Banking Branch.
Accounts This topic describes the screens provided under the Accounts menu using which you can perform various vital transactions on a loan account.
Balances This topic describes the screen provided under the Balances menu using which you can view outstanding balance of a loan account.
Schedule This topic describes the screen provided under the Schedule menu using which you can view the details of the loan schedule.
Instructions Preferences This topic describes the screen provided under Instruction Preferences menu using which you can view or modify the account preferences.
Repayment This topic described the screen provided under the Repayment menu using which you can initiate a transaction related to loan repayment.

Screenshot Disclaimer

Personal information used in the interface or documents are dummy and does not exist in the real world. It is only for reference purposes.