9.1.2 Add Joint Holders Details

The Joint Holders data segment is used to add the details of the joint holders for the TD.

The prerequisites are as follows:
  1. Make sure that the deposit details are added to the TD Account Opening screen. For more information, refer to TD Account Opening.

  2. Specify the funding details. For more information, refer to Add Funding Details.

  3. After you specify the funding details, click on the Joint Holders data segment.

This data segment is applicable only if the account type is maintained as Joint.

To add the details of the joint holders:

On the Joint Holders data segment, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

Table 9-3 Joint Holders - Field Description

Field Description

Joint Holder ID

Select the customer ID, which is considered as a joint account holder for the deposit account.

Joint Holder Name

Displays the customer name as joint holder name.


Select the relationship of the joint account holder from the drop-down list.

Joint Holder’s Type

Select the joint holder’s type from the drop-down list.