20.20.1 Additional Information on Parameters

The Parameters field on the Charge Condition Group Maintenance screen needs to be selected based on the specified conditions.

There will be a few parameters like Customer Group, Account Group, or Branch group will be pre-shipped. Customers need to choose the parameters, group them, and name them with the group codes. A rule will be attached to the group code so that based on the group used corresponding rule will be applied for calculation.

If the Charge Condition Group Maintenance is made with a specific parameter, the CHG_PARAM_TAGS column in the SRV_TB_TX_STATIC_TAGS table of transaction schema needs to be updated. For example, if Parameter 1 is selected as a utility provider, it needs to be updated as below:

"UtilityProvider": "$.institutionID",
"P2": "",
"P3": "",
"P4": "",
"P5": ""

For the other options in Parameter field, the JSON needs to be updated as follows:

Table 20-26 Options for Parameter Fields

Option Value

Account Group

"AccountGroup": ""

Customer Group

"CustomerGroup": ""

Transaction Branch Group

"TransactionBranchGroup": ""

To Account Branch Group

"ToAccountBranchGroup": ""

To Account Branch

"ToAccountBranch": "$.toAccountBranch"

<$.toAccountBranch has to be replaced with the field id as per the FID that captures To Account Branch>

Account Currency

"AccCcy": "$.AccCcy"

<$.AccCcy has to be replaced with the field id as per the FID that captures Account Currency>

Utility Provider

"UtilityProvider": "$.institutionID"

<$.institutionID has to be replaced with the field id as per the FID that captures Utility Provider>