2.7 Till Vault Position

The Till Vault Position screen is used to view the cash position of all the currencies at any time for the Teller ID or Vault ID, which is logged in for the current posting date. It also shows the denomination details.

To view the cash position of all the currencies:
  1. On the Homepage, from Teller mega menu, under Branch Operations, click Till Vault Position or specify Till Vault Position in the search icon bar and select the screen.
    The Till Vault Position screen is displayed.
  2. On the Till Vault Position screen, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-7 Till Vault Position - Field Description

    Field Description

    Branch Code

    Displays the logged-in branch.

    Branch Posting Date

    Displays the date on which the Till/Vault batch is opened.

    Teller/Vault ID

    Displays the logged-in Teller ID or Vault Teller ID.

    Currency Details

    Specify the fields under this section.


    Displays the currency code.

    Opening Balance

    Displays the opening balance of the till or vault.

    Incoming Cash Amount

    Displays the incoming cash in the till or vault for the current posting date.

    Outgoing Cash Amount

    Displays the outgoing cash in the till or vault for the current posting date.

    Total Cash

    Displays the total cash available in the till or vault.

    Till Vault Indicator

    Displays whether the currency details apply to Till or Vault. (T or V)

    Denomination Details

    Displays the denomination details under this section.

    Denomination Code

    Displays the denomination code maintained for the currency.

    Denomination Value

    Displays the denominations maintained for the currency.

    Opening Balance

    Displays the opening balance in the Till or vault in terms of denominations.

    Incoming Cash Amount

    Displays the incoming cash in the Till or vault in terms of denominations.

    Outgoing Cash Amount

    Displays the outgoing cash in the Till or vault in terms of denominations.

    Total Cash

    Displays the total cash currently available in the Till or vault for the day in terms of denominations.


    Displays the total units available for the specific denomination code.