
This guide helps you to familiarize yourself with the Deposit Services module of the Oracle Banking Branch. It gives an overview of the module and takes you through the different types of transactions that can be handled through this module.


This guide is intended for the deposit services Tellers and Supervisors to provide quick and efficient service to customers and prospects of your bank.

Related Resources

For more information, see these Oracle resources:
  • Getting Started User Guide

  • Teller User Guide


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning


Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Symbols, Basic Actions, and Shortcut Keys

The following are the icons and buttons you are likely to find in this guide:

Table - Icons and Buttons

Icons/Buttons Function








Perform search

Open drop-down list

Open a list


Edit a row


Delete a row


Open calendar

First page

Navigate to the first page

Last page

Navigate to the last page

Previous page

Navigate to the previous page

Next page

Navigate to the next page

Add a row

Add a row


Refresh details


Confirm the details specified


Navigate to the previous tab


Navigate to the next tab

Save & Close

Save the details specified and exist from the screen. The task appears in my pending task, from where you can take the task ahead on your next login.


Cancel the action performed and exist the screen


Submit the transaction for approval


View the audit details of a particular screen


Add or view remarks related to a screen.


View overrides if available.

Table - Basic Actions and Definitions

Icon Applicable Stages Description



After submitting the initiation stage, the system validates the transaction with the host and displays the errors or overrides if any. In case of an error, you can modify and resubmit or cancel the transaction. In case of an override, you can modify and resubmit or proceed with the transaction by accepting the overrides.


Initiation, Approval, and Hand off Retry

Cancel operation cancels the transaction input midway without saving any data. The user is alerted that the input data would be lost before confirming the cancellation.

Delete Initiation Delete operation deletes the transaction without saving any data. The user is alerted that the input data would be lost before confirming the deletion.



The system displays a section where approval remarks if any can be input. Click OK to submit. The transaction is sent to the Host system through OBRH. The Host system validates the transaction again and the transaction is created if all the validations are successful. If the transaction fails, the transaction is moved to Handoff retry stage, and user can view the error message. In this stage, the authorizer can retry or reject the transaction. On reject, the transaction is sent back to the maker to modify or delete it.


Approval and Hand off Retry

When an authorizer chooses to reject a transaction, the 'Reject' icon is used. The system displays a pop-up screen to capture the Rejection remarks if any. Click OK for the transaction to be routed back to the initiation stage and assign back to the maker. In my Pending Tasks, the maker can view and subsequentlycan modify or delete the transaction details.


Initiation, Approval, and Hand off Retry

Audit details provide the logs of users who have acted on the transaction, the transaction date, and the time for all stages that the transaction has passed through.


Initiation, Approval, and Hand off Retry

On completion of input of all parameters for a particular stage, the user can click to navigate to the next segment.


Initiation, Approval, and Hand off Retry

In case the user missed to specify or need to modify the details in the previous segment, click to navigate to the previous segment.

Save & Close


In case a transaction has to be closed midway due to a lack of sufficient information, the maker of the transaction can choose this option.

When you click 'Save & Close’, the input details are saved and the transaction screen is closed. Saved transaction details will be available in 'My task’. Users can select the transaction from ‘My Task’ and proceed with the transaction or delete it.


Initiation, Approval, and Hand-off Retry

‘Remarks’ can be used either by the maker or the authorizer of the transaction to optionally capture useful information about the transaction.

Host Error

Hand Off Retry

Hand off Retry comes into use whenever a transaction input from the mid-office system fails authorization due to Host System rejection. The authorizer of the transaction can view the reason for Host rejection and take appropriate action.


Initiation, Approval and Hand-off Retry

If override messages had appeared during initiation stage and they were accepted by the maker during submission, the Overrides button appears in the Initiation screen if the transaction is subsequently rejected by the authorizer. On the Override Details section, click Decline to go back to the transaction screen to modify or cancel it, or click Accept to complete the initiation stage and move the transaction to the approval stage.The Overrides button is displayed in the Approval and Hand-off retry stage if there were any override messages generated during initiation and accepted by the maker. When the Overrides button is clicked, the system displays the overrides accepted by the maker. After verifying the transaction and override details, the authorizer can either approve or reject the transaction. Existing Approve Transaction section is modified to display the overrides if any overrides are raised during the initiation submits.

Change Log

Approval and Handoff Retry

When the authorizer clicks on the Change Log button, the system displays the changes made to the transaction in a pop-up window. By default, the change log is set to display only modified values. The Change Log button has two options, they are, All and Updated. The All button displays both modified and non-modified fields and the Updated button displays only the modified fields. The old and new values are displayed so that the authorizer can compare or verify the values and decide on further action. Also, the new values appear is red for easy recognition.

The following shortcut keys can be used only for the screens, which has the buttons specified in the function:

Table - Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Key Function


Used to shift focus from one input field to other.


The last field of the last accordion will shift focus to Submit/Cancel.

Alt + S

Used to select Submit.

Alt + C

Used to select Cancel.

List of Topics

This guide is organized into the following topics:

Table - List of Topics

Topic Description

Overview of Deposit Services

Provides a snapshot of the features of the deposit services.

Term Deposit Transactions

Provides a detailed information about the Transaction screens.

Term Deposit Maintenances

Provides a detailed information about the Maintenance screens.

Term Deposit Inquires

Provides a detailed information about the Inquiry screens.

Recurring Deposit Transactions

Provides a detailed information about the Transactions screens.

Recurring Deposit Maintenances

Provides a detailed information about the Maintenance screens.

Recurring Deposit Inquires

Provides a detailed information about the Inquiry screens.

Screenshot Disclaimer

Personal information used in the interface or documents are dummy and does not exist in the real world. It is only for reference purposes.