3.2.1 Simulation Details

You can add the simulation details for doing the top-up in the Simulation tab. The existing TD details are also displayed on this screen.

To add the simulation details:


The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
  1. On the Homepage, from the Retail Deposit Services mega menu, under Term Deposits, under Transactions, click Top Up or specify TopUp in the search icon bar and select the screen.

    The Term Deposit Top Up screen is displayed.

    Figure 3-22 Term Deposit Top Up

    Description of Figure 3-22 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-22 Term Deposit Top Up"
  2. Click the Search icon or specify the account number in the Account Number field, and press Enter or Tab.
    The details are displayed in the Simulation tab.
  3. In the Simulation tab, view and specify the details as required. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 3-16 Term Deposit Top Up - Simualtion tab - Field Description

    Field Description

    Account Number

    Click the Search icon and select the account number or specify the account number to perform the TD top-up.


    The account holder name is displayed adjacent to this field.


    Displays the status of the TD. The possible statuses are:
    • Active
    • Matured
    • Closed

    Deposit Details

    Displays the principal balance of the TD, the rate of interest, and the tenor of the TD.


    Displays the proceeds due to the customer on maturity and the maturity date are displayed.

    Reinvested Interestor Paid out Interest

    Displays the amount and currency for the reinvested or paid out interest.


    • If the interest if of reinvest type, then the field name is displayed as Reinvested Interest.
    • If the interest if of paid out type, then the field name is displayed as Paid out Interest.

    Tax Deducted

    Displays the tax that has been deducted on the interest earned by the deposit so far.

    Top-up Amount

    Specify the amount which the customer wants to add to the principal of the TD.

    Value Date

    Specify the date from which the top-up is to take effect.

    • View Simulated Output: As you specify the amount in the Top-up Amount field, the simulated output details are displayed.


    Computation will be triggered based on the inputs selected and output should be displayed on the panel on the right in a graphical format comparing the current principal, interest, and net proceeds at maturity with what the user would get after the top-up.

    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 3-17 Output Details - Field Description

    Field Description

    Maturity Amount

    Displays the proceeds due to the customer on maturity after taking into consideration the top-up amount.


    Displays the principal amount that is due on maturity (inclusive of the top-up amount).

    Net Interest

    Displays the interest net amount.

    Top-up Amount

    Displays the top-up amount.


    Once the deposit simulation is completed, you can provide the simulated details to the customer.
    • View Interest Details: You can view the interest details by clicking the View Interest Details link.

      The Interest Details section is displayed.

    Figure 3-25 View Interest Details

    Description of Figure 3-25 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-25 View Interest Details"

    Table 3-18 Interest Details – Field Description

    Field Description


    Displays the date as of which the interest amount is applicable.

    Reinvested Interestor Paid out Interest

    Displays the interest amount computed as of the date.


    Displays the principal balance taking into consideration the effect of the interest for that date (if it is a re-invest kind of TD).

    • Click the Back link to view the simulation details.
  4. Click Next.
    The Settlement tab is displayed.