4.15 F24 Tax Payment By Account

The F24 Tax Payment By Account screen is used to capture data related to the F24 tax document for a customer and collect the corresponding tax by account from the customer.

To perform F24 tax payment by account:
  1. On the Homepage, from Teller mega menu, under Customer Transaction, click F24 Tax Payment By Account or specify F24 Tax Payment By Account in the search icon bar and select the screen.
    The F24 Tax Payment By Account screen is displayed.

    Figure 4-32 F24 Tax Payment By Account

  2. On the F24 Tax Payment By Account screen, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-42 F24 Tax Payment By Account - Field Description

    Field Description

    Total Tax Amount

    Displays the total tax amount.


    Displays the default narrative as F24 Tax by Account, and it can be modified.

    Total Charge

    Displays the total charge.

    Payment Amount

    Displays the amount to pay.

  3. Click on the Account Details data segment.
    The Account Details data segment is displayed.
  4. On the Account Details data segment, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.

    Table 4-43 Account Details - Field Description

    Field Description

    Account Number

    Specify the customer account number from which the tax is being paid.


    The system displays an override or error message on the tab out of Account Number based on the account dormancy parameters.


    Displays the branch code.

    Account Description

    Displays the description of the account number specified.

    Account Amount

    Displays the amount available in the account.

    Net Amount

    Displays the amount, which is the net total amount levied to the customer.

  5. Specify the details in the F24 Tax By Account segment. For information on the fields based on the value selected for the Form Type, refer to the table.

    Table 4-44 F24 Tax By Account - Form Types and their References

    Form Type Reference Topic


    Add Standard Details


    Add Simplified Details

    Elements Identification

    Add Element Identification Details


    Add Predefined Details

    On selection of an appropriate value from the Form Type, only corresponding fields of the form will be displayed for input. For example, if you select F24 Standard as the Form Type, then only the fields of F24 Standard will be available. The Principal Fiscal Code needs to be specified.

  6. After entering all the form details, click Refresh in the F24 Payment Details.

    The system adds up the Amounts and defaults the sum in the Payment Amount field. The system posts the following accounting entries on save and authorization of the record.

    Table 4-45 Accounting Entries Posted for Payment Amount

    Dr/Cr Description Amount


    Cash Account

    Final Section Amount of the corresponding tab, which has been entered.


    Account maintained in ARC of the associated product

    Final Section Amount of the corresponding tab which has been entered.

    Accounting entries posted for the charge amount:

    Table 4-46 Accounting Entries Posted for Charge Amount

    Dr/Cr Description Amount


    Cash Account

    Charges amount computed as per ARC maintenance


    Income Account

    Charges amount computed as per ARC maintenance

    The system validates only the data format of the fields specified. If any of such validations fail, the system displays an appropriate error message. If you maintain more than the specified number of rows in any of the below blocks, then the system displays an appropriate error message. The following list shows the number of rows, which can be maintained for each Form Type:

    Table 4-47 Maintenance for Form Type

    Form Type Maintenance


    In the F24 Standard tab, the system allows you to maintain only the following number of records:
    • up to a maximum of 6 rows in the Tax multi-record block.
    • up to a maximum of 4 rows in the INPS multi-record block.
    • up to a maximum of 4 rows in the Region multi-record block.
    • up to a maximum of 4 rows in the IMU and Other Local Taxes multi-record block.
    • up to a maximum of 4 rows in the Insurance multi-record block.
    • up to a maximum of 3 rows in the Other Bodies multi-record block.
    • up to a maximum of 7 rows in the Excise multi-record block.


    In the F24 Simplified tab, up to a maximum of 10 rows in the Tax Details multi-record block.

    Elements Identification

    In the F24 Elements Identification tab, up to a maximum of 28 rows in the Tax Details multi-record block.


    In the F24 Predefined tab, up to a maximum of 1 row in the Tax Details multi-record block.

    If the computed value for the Payment Amount field value is less than or equal to 0, the system displays an appropriate error message. If the Principal Fiscal Code and Secondary Fiscal Code fields have a value of 16 characters that is for non-individual customers the system validates the last character in the value as per the checksum algorithm for Fiscal Code.

    If the validation fails, then the system displays an appropriate error message. In the case of individual customers, where the Principal Fiscal Code and Secondary Fiscal Code field has a value of 11 characters, the system validates the last character in the value as per the checksum algorithm for a VAT number. If the validation fails, then the system displays an appropriate error message.

  7. Once Pickup is completed, click Submit.
    A teller sequence number is generated, and the Transaction Completed Successfully information message is displayed.


    The transaction is moved to authorization in case of any approval warning raised when the transaction saves. On transaction submission, the deposit of tax amount is completed successfully.