18.10 Customer Address Update

The Teller can use the Customer Address Update screen to initiate a service request to update the customer address details.

To update the customer address:
  1. On the Homepage, from Teller mega menu, under Customer Service, click Cust Address Update or specify Cust Address Update in the search icon bar and select the screen.
    The Customer Address Update screen is displayed.

    Figure 18-12 Customer Address Update

  2. On the Customer Address Update screen, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 18-12 Customer Address Update - Field Description

    Field Description

    Customer Number

    Specify the customer number for which the address details need to be updated.

    Customer Name

    Displays the customer name for the customer number specified.

    Correspondence Address

    Specify the fields.

    Address Line 1 to Address Line 4

    Displays the maintained address details, and it can be modified.

    Country Code

    Displays the maintained address details, and it can be modified.

    Permanent Address

    Specify the fields.

    Same as Correspondence Address

    Select this checkbox to populate the Correspondence Address to Permanent Address.

    Address Line 1 to Address Line 4

    Displays the maintained address details, and it can be modified.

    Country Code

    Displays the maintained Country code, and it can be modified.

    Residential Address

    Specify the fields.

    Same as Permanent Address

    Select this checkbox to populate the Permanent Address details to Residential Address.

    Address Line 1 to Address Line 4

    Displays the maintained address details, and it can be modified.

    Country Code

    Displays the maintained country code, and it can be modified.


    Displays the default narrative as Customer Address Update, and it can be modified.

    Review and Submit

    Click Review and Submit to review the request details and submit.
  3. Click Submit.
    The request details are handed off to the FLEXCUBE Universal Banking system for the customer address update.