3.2 High-Level Flow for Cash Deposit

The high-level flow helps you understand the transaction screen launch and processing of transaction submission.

The high-level flow diagram for screen launch of the cash deposit transaction is shown below:

Figure 3-2 Cash Deposit - Transaction Screen Launch

For information on the callouts/process steps, refer to the description table below:

Table 3-1 Transaction Screen Launch - Description of Callouts

Callout/Process Step Description

1 (Branch Common)

Teller virtual page queries BC screen class service (1401) and then loads related data segments.

2 (Transaction Service)

After the data segments are painted, transaction services REMO orchestrator is called for user open check to ensure batch has opened.

The high-level flow diagram for the submit processing of the cash deposit transaction is shown below:

Figure 3-3 Cash Deposit - Transaction Submit Processing

Table 3-2 Transaction Submit Processing - Description of Callouts

Callout/Process Step Description

1 (Data Segments Save)

Teller virtual page queries BC screen class service (1401) and then loads related data segments.

2 (Transaction Submit Processing)

After the data segments are painted, transaction services REMO orchestrator is called for user open check to ensure batch has opened.

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