3.2.1 First Level Issues

Learn about the issues you may encounter when using during the basic investigation and how to work around them.

Calls are not sent properly

If there are any improper calls, check the ERTB_MSGS table to understand the cause of the error. In addition, you can find displayed error code from the list of existing codes.

Null pointer or branch common exception error

If there is a null pointer exception or branch common exception error, go to the process log table and exception log table, and select the following queries to verify the results.

Table 3-3 Queries to Verify Results

Query Reference for Sample Log

select * from SRV_TB_PROCESS_LOG order by timestamp desc

Figure 3-5

select * from SRV_TB_EXCEPTION_LOG order by timestamp desc

Figure 3-6


Process log contains request payload, which will help you to hit service through postman and for getting the response.

Figure 3-7 Process Log Responses

Exact error through exception log

If there is an exact error through the exception log, log in to WINSCP, and check server logs with NIS credentials. The path can be defined in -Dplato.service.logging.path variable in the setEnv.sh. For example, the path is /scratch/Weblogic/serverlogs.

Logs are not generated

If you are not getting logs, include debug statements in services and hit through postman, and test again.

The call is failing in the adapter

If any call is failing in call to Product Processor Gateway, open SRV_TB_AD_CENTRAL_TXN_LOG in Adaptor for getting Gateway response (SUCCESS or FAILED). Select the following query to verify results.

select * from SRV_TB_AD_CENTRAL_TXN_LOG order by REQ_DATE desc

A sample transaction log is shown below:

Figure 3-10 TB AD Central Transaction Log

404 Error

The possible causes for 404 error are as follows:

  • Check service is not running on Eureka

  • Check service is not deployed in WebLogic

500 Internal Error

The possible causes for 500 internal errors are as follows:

  • Issues with entries of Oracle Banking Microservices Architecture

  • Issues with Eureka

  • Issues with any piece of code

The server-side debugging is needed for the above-mentioned issues if it is not captured in logs.