1.5.1 Set Up ELK

You need to set up ELK for troubleshooting the logs using ELK stack.

The prerequisites are as follows:
  1. Download the Elastic search from https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch.
  2. Download the Kibana from https://www.elastic.co/downloads/kibana.
  3. Download the Logstash from https://www.elastic.co/downloads/logstash.


The default ports are as follows:
  • Elastic search - 9200

  • Kibana - 5601

To run the ELK:
  1. Run the elasticsearch.sh file present in the folder path /scratch/software/ELK/elasticsearch-6.5.1/bin.
  2. Configure Kibana to point the running instance of elastic search in the kibana.yml file.
  3. Configure Logstash. For more information on configurations, refer to the table below.

    Table 1-1 Configurations for Logstash

    Configuration Description


    This configuration is required to provide the log file location for the Logstash to read from.


    Filters in Logstash are used to control or format the read operation (Line by line or Bulk read).


    In this section, provide the running elastic search instance to send the data for persisting.

    Figure 1-18 Logstash Configuration