3.4 Troubleshooting Payment Service Integration

Learn about the issues you may encounter when using payment service integration and how to work around them.

The screen is not launching

If the screen is not launching, check the networks logs to verify if open check call is failing. The open check URL is https://<host>:<port>/obremo-srv-cmn-transaction-services/obremo-srv-cmn-transaction-services/open/1006.


Network logs can be viewed by launching the browser debugger window (F12) and viewing the network tab.

Submit is failing

If submit is failing, check the network logs and check if CREATE call is failing. The CREATE URL is https://<host>:<port>/obremo-srv-bcn-branchcommon-services/web/orchestrator/submit/CREATE.

500 internal server error

The issues in the following services can cause 500 internal server errors:





Check the process log table and exception log table from the respective schema. Select the following query to verify results.

Table 3-4 Queries to Verify Results

Query Reference for Sample Log

select * from SRV_TB_PROCESS_LOG order by timestamp desc; (or)

select * from SRV_TB_PROCESS_LOG where user_id ='user_id' order by timestamp desc;

Figure 3-13

select * from SRV_TB_EXCEPTION_LOG order by timestamp desc; (or)

select * from SRV_TB_EXCEPTION_LOG where user_id ='user_id' order by timestamp desc;

Figure 3-14

Figure 3-14 Exception Log Table

Accounting call to FLEXCUBE Universal Banking is failing

If accounting call to FLEXCUBE Universal Banking is failing, check the SRV_TB_AD_CENTRAL_TXN_LOG in ADAPTER-SERVICES schema for getting Gateway response (SUCCESS or FAILURE). Select the following query to verify results.

select * from SRV_TB_AD_CENTRAL_TXN_LOG where txn_ref_no='XXXXXXXXXXXX';

Figure 3-15 Transaction Log Table - AD Central

Oracle Banking Payments call is failing

If the call to Oracle Banking Payments is failing, check the SRV_TB_AD_CENTRAL_TXN_LOG and SRV_TB_AD_OBPAY_TXN_LOG in ADAPTER-SERVICES schema for getting Gateway response (SUCCESS or FAILURE). Select the following query to verify results.

select * from SRV_TB_AD_OBPAY_TXN_LOG where txn_ref_no='XXXXXXXXXXXX';

Figure 3-16 Oracle Banking Payments - Transaction Log Table

Error During Transaction Submission

If any error occurred while submitting the transaction from the Teller Transaction screen, check the error code and the error message. Error code will be available in ERTB_MSGS. Select the following query to verify results.

select * from ERTB_MSGS where err_code='RM-BC-PM-01';

Error RM-TX-PM-01

This error may occur while submitting the transaction from Teller Transaction screen. A sample of this error is shown below:

To resolve this error, validate the SRV_TB_AD_OBPAY_TXN_LOG in ADAPTER-SERVICES schema. If the transaction status is not PENDING or FAILURE, it can cause this error. Select the following query to verify results:

select * from SRV_TB_AD_OBPAY_TXN_LOG where txn_ref_no='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';

Figure 3-19 Oracle Banking Payments - Transaction Log Table