D Advices

The formats of various advices that are available for the Oracle Banking Branch application are provided in this appendix.

Advice format

User can select the locale to generate the advice in their preferred language.

Figure D-1 Advice Format - Locale

Account Transfer

The advice format for Account Transfer transactions is given below:


txnDate          txnBranchCode, Clinton Branch
Receipt # txnRefNumber
Transaction            : functionCodeDesc
Sequence Number        : tellerSeqNumber
From Account Number    : fromAccountNumber
To Account Number      : toAccountNumber
Amount                 : toAccountAmt toAccountCcy
Commission Charges     : totalCharges toAccountCcy
Narrative              : narrative
Teller ID              : userId
(This slip do not require signature)

Cash Deposit

The advice format for Cash Deposit transactions is given below:


txnDate         txnBranchCode, Clinton Branch
Receipt # txnRefNumber
Transaction            : functionCodeDesc
Sequence Number        : tellerSeqNumber
Account Number         : toAccountNumber
Amount                 : toAccountAmt toAccountCcy
Narrative              : narrative
Teller ID              : userId
Total Charges          : totalCharges toAccountCcy
chargeCode chargeCcy chargeAmt

F chargeCode


chargeAmt E


Teller                                            Officer/Manager

Cash Withdrawal

The advice format for Cash Withdrawal transactions is given below:


txnDate         txnBranchCode, Clinton Branch
Receipt # txnRefNumber
Transaction            : functionCodeDesc
Sequence Number        : tellerSeqNumber
Account Number         : fromAccountNumber
Amount                 : fromAccountAmt fromAccountCcy
Commission Charges     : totalCharges fromAccountCcy
Narrative              : narrative
Teller ID              : userId
chargeAmt chargeCcy chargeCode

F chargeAmt


chargeCode E

Teller                                   Officer/Manager

Cheque Deposit

The advice format for Cheque Deposit transactions is given below:


Receipt #txnRefNumber
txnDate         txnBranchCode, Clinton Branch
Transaction            : functionCodeDesc
Sequence Number        : tellerSeqNumber
Account Number         : toAccountNumber
Cheque Number          : chequeNumber
Routing Number         : routingNo
Amount                 : toAccountAmt toAccountCcy
Commission Charges     : totalCharge toAccountCcy
Narrative              : narrative
Teller ID              : userId
Teller                                   Officer/Manager

Cheque Withdrawal

The advice format for Cheque Withdrawal transactions is given below:


txnDate         txnBranchCode, Clinton Branch
Receipt # txnRefNumber
Transaction            : functionCodeDesc
Sequence Number        : tellerSeqNumber
Account Number         : fromAccountNumber
Amount                 : fromAccountAmt fromAccountCcy
Commission Charges     : totalCharges fromAccountCcy
Narrative              : narrative
Teller ID              : tellerId
Teller                                   Officer/Manager

DD Issue Against Account

The advice format for DD Issue Against Account transactions is given below:


txnDate         txnBrnCode, Clinton Branch
Receipt # txnRefNo
Transaction            : functionCodeDesc
Sequence Number        : tellerSeqNumber
Account Number         : fromAccNo
In favour of           : payeeName
Amount                 : fromAccAmt fromAccCcy
Commission Charges     : totalCharges fromAccountCcy
Narrative              : narrative
Teller ID              : userId
(This slip do not require signature)

Domestic Transfer Against Account

The advice format for Domestic Transfer Against Account transactions is given below:


txnDate         txnBranchCode, Clinton Branch
Receipt # txnRefNumber
Transaction            : functionCodeDesc
Sequence Number        : txnSeqNumber
Account Number         : fromAccountNumber
Beneficiary Bank       : bankDesc
Beneficiary Name       : txnCustomer
Clearing Type          : FEDWIRE
Transfer Amount         : fromAccountAmt fromAccountCcy
Commission Charges     : totalCharges fromAccountCcy
Narrative              : narrative
Teller ID              : userId
(This slip do not require signature)