1 Overview of Receivables and Payables

This topic describes the information on the overview, benefits and functionalities of Receivables and Payables module.


Oracle Banking Cash Management services enable a financial institution to manage the account receivables and account payables of their corporate customers. Oracle Banking Cash Management provides a technology platform capable of capturing account receivables and account payables of corporates across disparate accounts and locations.


  • Cost Reduction – Increased visibility of transactions and easy reconciliation help corporates manage and control their cash flow and reduce costs.
  • Smart Processing of Receivables and Payables – Facilitate efficient receivable and payable management through enhanced automation and straight-through processing of key processes.
  • Regulatory Environment – Leverage flexible configuration to launch quickly, respond to regulatory changes and expand into new geographies.


  • E-Invoice/Purchase Order
  • Reconciliation
  • Pricing

Home: Dashboard

Successfully signing into the Oracle Banking Cash Management application displays the Dashboard as your home screen. It is a collection of various portlets that are displayed based on your role and access rights. The Dashboard enables easy access and analysis of transactional and static data through these interactive and contextual portlets. User can drag and move different portlets, resize, auto adjust the size, and expand/collapse the portlet.

On starting the Oracle Banking Cash Management application, the below login screen is displayed:

  1. Specify User Name and Password to access the application.
  2. Click Sign In to log into application.

    The Dashboard screen displays.

    Oracle Banking Cash Management Dashboard currently consists of the following mentioned portlets for Receivables and Payables management:
    • Unrealized Instrument Aging: This graph displays the doughnut chart with the number of cheques/instruments, which are unrealized for aging bucket (number of days). You can click on the bar graph icon at the top-right of the portlet to change the view from doughnut (default) to bar graph. The Landing page displays the number of unrealized cheques/instruments split as per configurable aging buckets. A maximum of seven ranges can be defined.
    • Cash Transaction Volume and Trend: This portlet displays a bar graph depicting the amounts in branch currency that have been collected and withdrawn every month, within the specified time frame. The Cash Withdrawal and Cash Collection bars are color-coded for aiding quick visual analysis. You can alter the ‘From Date’ and ‘To Date’ by clicking the Filter icon and selecting the required dates.
    • Instrument Status: This portlet displays the status-wise total count and the total value of the instruments for the period selected between From Date and To Date (Deposit from and To Date). By default, the date period is from ‘current date-1’ to ‘current date’. The statuses displayed in the portlet are Lodged, Hold, Return, and Realized.
    • Facility Utilization: This widget classifies all facilities into three categories i.e., nearing breach, breached, and under-utilized. The drill-down allows the user to view these details at an entity level. There is an option to search and filter the details for a specific entity also.
      • Nearing Breach: When utilized amount is more than 85% of the sanctioned amount.
      • Breached: When utilized amount equals the sanctioned amount.
      • Under Utilized: When utilized amount is less than 20% of the sanctioned amount.
    • Facilities Expiring: This widget lists all facilities nearing expiry or expired and also offers a drill-down at each entity level.
    • Top 5 Corporate Cash Collection: This portlet displays a jet-bar chart with the top 5 corporate parties with high-value cash collection in branch currency, within the specified time frame. You can alter the ‘From Date’ and ‘To Date’ by clicking the Filter icon, and selecting the required dates. Flip the portlet using the arrow on the side to view the top 5 corporates high-value cash withdrawals in branch currency, within the specified time frame.
    • Top 5 Corporates: This portlet displays information on the top five customers w.r.t. their total Receivables and Payables. On clicking the table icon at the top-right, the graph populates the business volume data of the same top 5 customers in tabular format.
    • Aging of Invoices: This widget displays invoice aging information in the form of a doughnut. The graph displays the invoice amount volume split as per aging buckets which are configurable at the time of implementation i.e. 0-30 days, 30-60 days, and so on. Range criteria can be defined with a maximum of 6 ranges. On clicking any of the range buckets on the graph, a pop-up window appears with the list of corporates whose invoices are due for that ageing bucket. Clicking on the ‘+’ (expand) icon against each corporate; launches invoice details pertaining to the information of that specific corporate such as supplier name, ‘Invoice Due Date From’, ‘Invoice Due Date To’. Click the bar-chart icon on the top-right corner to change the view from doughnut (default) to bar chart. You can also flip the widget to view the same details for aging of overdue invoices.
    • Product-wise Instrument Collection Flow – Value: This portlet displays a line graph representing the collection amount flow in branch currency, within a specified time frame, for all products that are associated with ‘paper-based’ category. Each product has a specific color code. You can alter the ‘From Date’ and ‘To Date’ by clicking the Filter icon, and selecting the required dates. Flip the portlet using the arrow on the side to view the count of instruments for each product, for the specified time frame.
    • Top Defaulters: Top defaulters widget shows list of top defaulters for the previous and current month.
    • Transaction Status Details: Transactions are grouped product-wise into groups disbursed, partially settled or fully settled for a specific date range, which is editable. The user can select any product to view further details of transactions for that product.
    • Invoices Raised: This portlet displays the data for Invoices on monthly basis as a bar graph. On clicking the table icon on the top-right corner, the same data is displayed in tabular format with invoices grouped into monthly buckets. On clicking the bar graph, the screen will pop up with the corporate name and aggregated invoice amount and further clicking on the ‘+’ (expand) icon beside the corporate name launches the Invoice Inquiry screen with data of invoices specific to the corporate, along with other relevant details as per the selected date.
    • Business Volume Trends: This chart displays the business trends (total receivables and payables) of the previous six months including the current month based on historic data. The trend line is plotted based on the highs/peak.
    • Reconciliation Details: This widget provides a snapshot of the reconciliation details of payments against the entity selected, i.e., invoice, cash flow, allocation, or finance. Click the respective icons to view these details as a doughnut or as a line graph. You can view the volume percentage of payment records that are manually reconciled, auto-reconciled, partially reconciled, and unreconciled. Using the filter options, you can select a specific customer and/or modify the date range. Click the refresh icon to reset the data. If you have selected the line-graph option, you can click on specific trend-line points where the Volume (Y) axis meets the Month (X) axis. A pop-up window appears, displaying the names of the corporates and the count of records for that particular month and the reconciliation status.
Perform the following actions on the Dashboard screen:
  • To add more portlets, click Add icon located at the top-right corner of the Dashboard.
  • To remove a portlet, click Remove icon located at the portlet’s top-right corner.
  • To configure the portlet, click Configure Tile icon located at the portlet’s top-left corner.
  • To flip the portlet view, click Flip Forward or Flip Back icon.
  • To change the portlet’s position, click and hold the ‘Drag to reorder’ (…..) icon at the portlet’s bottom-center and then move the portlet to the desired position.
  • To apply filters on the portlet’s data, click Filter icon to view the pop up to select the filter values.