6.1.4 Generate Centralized Schedule

This topic describes the systematic instruction to generate a centralized schedule by a hub or controlling branch.

Centralized Schedules are generated only for partner banks for whom the ‘centralized schedule required’ system parameter flag is set to ‘Y’ and a controlling branch is defined.
  1. On Instrument Management - Current Dated Cheques screen, select Generate Centralized Schedule from the Action list.
  2. Click Proceed.
    The Generate Centralized Schedule - Filter Parameters section displays.

    Figure 6-9 Generate Centralized Schedule - Filter Parameters

  3. Specify the fields on Generate Centralized Schedule - Filter Parameters screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 6-4 Generate Centralized Schedule - Field Description

    Field Description
    Schedule Origination Branch Select the branch from where the schedule has been created.
    Original Schedule Reference Number Indicates an option to search on the basis of the schedule reference number. Click the search icon and select the required schedule reference number.
    Destination Bank Click the search icon and select the destination bank to search all the schedule reference numbers drawn on the selected destination bank.
    Destination Branch Click the search icon and select the destination branch to search all the schedule reference numbers drawn on the selected destination branch.
    Schedule Receipt Date Range Click the calendar icons and select the start and end dates of the schedule receipt date range.
    Currency Select the currency of the instrument.
  4. Click Search to view the list of instruments.
  5. Select the records to be linked to the centralized schedule.
  6. Click Confirm to send for authorization.