6.1.1 Credit Advancement/Postponement

This topic describes the systematic instruction to prepone or postpone the credit of the instrument.

The advancement can be used to prepone the instrument credit date and postponement can be used to postpone the instrument credit date. Only those instrument which are due for arrangement credit for Guaranteed Arrangement Corporates are eligible for this action.
  1. On Instrument Management - Current Dated Cheques screen, select Credit Advancement/Postponement from the Action list.
  2. Click Proceed.
  3. Click Filter icon to filter the list of instruments.
    The Credit Advancement/Postponement - Search Parameters screen displays.

    Figure 6-2 Credit Advancement/Postponement - Search Parameters

  4. Specify the fields on Credit Advancement/Postponement - Search Parameters screen.


    The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 6-1 Credit Advancement/Postponement - Field Description

    Field Description
    Arrangement Credit Date Click the calendar icon and select the due date on which the instrument amount is supposed to be credited to the customer’s account/
    Currency Select the currency of the instrument.
    Product Type Select the product type to process the pooling credit details.
    Product Select the product code for which arrangement credit date needs to be preponed or postponed.
    Corporate Click the search icon and select the corporate for which the instrument needs to be searched.
    Reference Number Click the search icon and select the reference number to search the instrument by.
    Deposit Slip Number Click the search icon and select the deposit slip number with which the instrument has been deposited.
    Instrument Number Click the search icon and select the instrument number to search the same.
    Deposit Date Range Click the calendar icons and select the start and end dates of the range within which the instrument was deposited.
    Instrument Date Range Click the calendar icons and select the start and end dates of the range for the date mentioned on the instrument.
    Deposit Branch Select the branch in which the instrument has been deposited.
    Deposit Location Click the search icon and select the bank location where the instrument has been deposited.
    Clearing Location Click the search icon and select the bank where the instrument will be cleared.
    Drawee Bank Click the search icon and select the bank that pays the amount mentioned on the instrument.
  5. Click Search to update the List Of Instruments section as per the entered criteria.
    The List Of Instruments section displays with the relevant cheque records.
  6. Select the instruments to be submitted for credit advancement/postponement.
  7. In the New Credit Date field, click the calendar icon and select the date on which instrument amount should be credited.
  8. Optional: In the Remarks field, enter the remarks for the updated credit date.
  9. Click Apply to update the new credit date in the grid.
  10. If required, select the record and then click Undo to revert the applied advancement/postponement.
  11. Click Submit to confirm the records for credit advancement/postponement and send it for authorization.