4.2 Account

This widget displays details of the accounts associated with the customer. Based on the account in context, the widget displays various details, such as overdue amount on the account, days past due on the account, collaterals attached with the account, and the total amount outstanding on the account.

Table 4-4 Field Description: Account

Field Name Description
<Product Sub Type - Account Number> Indicates the product sub type and account number. The status of the account is also displayed corresponding to the selected account number.

The list displays all the account numbers linked to the case. The widget displays details for the account number selected in the list.

Collection Status Displays the collection status of the account.

Specialized link is displayed if any of the specialized status is applied on the account.

Overdue Amount Displays the overdue amount on the account. A Fee indicator is displayed if the fees are applied on the account.
Days Past Due Displays the days past due on the account.
Collateral Displays description of all the collaterals attached to the account.
Promise Displays count of all the Promise to Pay (PTP) created on the account.
It displays the count of following PTPs:
  • Active: Count of PTP that are active.
  • Broken: Count of PTP that were broken by the customer.
  • Kept: Count of PTP that were fulfilled by the customer.
Last Payment of <Amount> on <Date of Payment> Displays the amount and date of last payment received on the account.

If you click expand, the Account Summary section is displayed.

Table 4-5 Field Description: Account Summary

Field Name Description
Case ID, <Customer Name> Displays the case ID and name of the customer.
Account Details This section displays the details of the account. It displays details for the account number selected in the <Product Sub Type - Account Number> list.
<Product Sub Type - Account Number> Indicates the product sub type and account number. The list displays all the accounts numbers linked to the case.
Overdue Displays the overdue amount on the account.
Summary This section displays the summary of the account.
Title Displays the account title associated with the account number.
Days Past Due Displays the number of days past due on the account.
Overdue Amount Displays the overdue amount on the account.
Total Outstanding Displays the total outstanding amount on the account.
Source System Displays the product processor to which the account belongs.
PTP Record Displays count of all the PTPs created on the account.
It displays the count of following PTPs:
  • Active: Count of PTP that are active.
  • Broken: Count of PTP that were broken by the customer.
  • Kept: Count of PTP that were fulfilled by the customer.
Branch Displays the name of the branch with which the account is associated.
Collection Status Displays the collection status of the account.

Note: If you click View History, Collection Status section is displayed.

Address Displays the address where the account is located.
Past Delinquency Displays the number of times the account has been delinquent in the past.
Additional Details This section displays the additional details of the account.
Loan Amount Displays the amount of loan availed on the account and the current rate of interest.

Note: This field is displayed only for a loan account.

Last Due Date Displays the due date of last installment.

Note: This field is displayed only for a loan account.

Frequency Displays the frequency of repayment of installment by the customer on the loan amount.

Note: This field is displayed only for a loan account.

Loan Maturity Date Displays the loan closure date as per the repayment schedule.

Note: This field is displayed only for a loan account.

Next Installment Displays the amount of next installment along installment due date.

Note: This field is displayed only for a loan account.

Credit Card No Displays the credit card number.

Note: This field is displayed only for Credit Card account.

Card Limit Displays the limit of credit card.

Note: This field is displayed only for Credit Card account.

Last Due Date Displays the due date of the last unpaid bill missed by the customer.

Note: This field is displayed only for Credit Card account.

Account Limit Displays the limit of account.

Note: This field is displayed only for overdraft account and LOC account.

Limit Expiry Date Displays the expiry date of the limit.

Note: This field is displayed only for overdraft account and LOC account. For LOC account, you can also view the bill details.

<Bill Details> This section appears if you click infoin the Limit Expiry Date field.

Note: This section is displayed only for LOC account.

Bill Date Displays the date on which the bill was raised.
Payment Due Date Displays payment due date of the bill.
Minimum Amount Due Displays the minimum amount due on the bill.
Total Amount Due Displays the total amount due on the bill.
Collection Status This section is displayed if you click View History in Collection Status field. It displays details of the collection statuses set on the account.
Status Displays the collection status of the account.
Creation Date Displays the date on which the collection status was set on the account.
Closed Date Displays the date on which the collection status was closed on the account.
User Displays the user name of the collector who updated the collection status of the account.
Fees & Charges This section displays the Fees and Charges applied on the account.
Fee Date Displays the date on which the fee is applied on the account.
Reference No Reference number of the transaction.
Fee Type Displays the type of fee applied on the account.
Fee Sub-Type Displays the sub-type of the fee applied on the account.
Fee Amount Displays the fee amount applied on the account.

Table 4-6 Field Description: Specialized Process

Field Name Description
Case ID, <Customer Name> Displays the case ID and name of the customer.
Account Details This section displays the details of the account based on the account number selected in the below <Product Sub Type - Account Number> field.
<Product Sub Type - Account Number> Indicates the product sub type and account number. The list displays all the accounts numbers linked to the case.
<Segment> Displays the list of active specialized segments on the account.
<Strategy> Displays the list of strategies of the segment selected.
<Summary> This section displays all the data capture fields and their values linked to the selected strategy via the tasks. The task name is displayed as the header. The additional fields configured for the tasks are displayed in the section below with their respective values (if captured) by the collector.